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The task was simple. In theory, at least. Hell, three words were all that you needed to explain it. I’m just glad I waited for him to finish speaking, because ‘Save the Multiverse’ was a pretty damn big task. Still, the perks and benefits were too good to pass up.

So the deal was struck, my body remade, and something vast and alien shoved inside my brain. “Good luck, You’ll need it.” The alien said, before shoving me with one of its spindly hands.

I fell.

And didn’t stop.

For a long time.

I don’t remember when I stopped falling. One moment I was falling, the next I was on a rooftop, late in the evening judging by the color of the sky. Rising to my feet (all four of them), I took stock of myself and my immediate surroundings. I definitely wasn’t outwardly human anymore, four legs, scales instead of skin, no arms, and a thick tail as long as the rest of my body.

My tail felt strong, more so than I’d ever felt as a human, and knowledge flooded my brain. Blueprints, construction methods, material sciences, martial combat, but most importantly, powers. My powers. I was… I like Reed Richards, or Tony Stark, but focused entirely on technology related to fortifications, defenses, buildings, and artillery. But more than that, I…

I focused, feeling out that strange instinct. It was like my skin was too small for me, my paws (arms?) reached back, claws carving grooves along my spine. I felt the scales split under my claws and I/something burst out of my cocoon/skin. I/I collapsed to the roof, feeling suddenly drained. Like I’d lost half of my energy all at once. I lay there on the roof, my eyes closed/looking out over the skyline. I opened my eyes/turned to look at my original body. My duplicate stood/I stared as the bloody mass of meat and blood rapidly closed.

Fuck this was confusing.


“What the?” I asked from two mouths.


So… I can split apart into multiple bodies, all of which have a single shared mind, but I have to let it recharge in between divides?




Both of my bodies blinked in unison, before looking myself in the eye. Moments later, the entirety of my vision flickered, like old television static, and… there were two more mes, but I was still only in the original two bodies.

“Fuck, this is weird,” one of the mes that I wasn’t said, a clawed paw coming up to rub at its head.

“No kidding, going from one body to two, then back to one?” the other said.

My multiform musings were cut off, four heads all turning to the far side of the roof as a dark shadow drifted over from an adjacent building before coalescing into a black clad form wearing a white hockey mask.

“The hell are you freaks? The ABB get a biotinker or something?” the figure asked, the voice instantly marking them a female, before lifting up a pair of hand sized crossbows.

I opened a mouth (out of two, wasn’t that a weird feeling) to answer, only to jump aside as the crazy bitch shot at me! Splitting off into two directions, the hockey mask wearing psycho shifted back into her shadow-smoke form and chased after the newer body, ignoring the two mes that weren’t part of my hive mind. Either she knew something about my powers, or she guessed and just got lucky. I’d have the body she was chasing lose her and find a place to stay with my other body.

Body 2

I’ll give the girl this, she was damn good at tracking. Plus I didn’t know the area, unlike her I’m guessing, which made shaking her a much more challenging prospect. Still, this new body I found myself in was amazingly fast and agile. It was the only reason I’d managed to avoid being shot with crossbow bolts.

In the end, my two mes that weren’t part of my hive mind popped, sending a rush of memories to my hive mind. If I’d had just one body, it probably would have made me lose focus and face plant. But, with two bodies to split the mental load, the memories were integrated without me becoming a sitting duck.

But, now that I had the not-mes space available, my vision flickered again, and I split into three. I heard the crazy bitch chasing me let out a noise of surprise, moments before the three mes all split up. Glancing back, I saw her go after one of the me but not mes (I really need to come up with a better way of describing them). I glanced back at just the right time to see the way her pants hugged her legs and cupped her ass, making me come to a stop as she chased after my duplicate.

It was a stupid decision, so fucking stupid, and went completely against what my goal with creating the duplicates was. But that was a damn fine ass, and even before accepting this deal I hadn’t been able to get laid since before that lockdown bullshit started back home. Plus, I had no idea what would happen if one of my hive mind mes died, so… experiment?

Carefully following her, I got regular views of tight, fabric clad ass cheeks, which sent a tingling between my back legs. Yeah, I know where this is going to end up going, but dammit that’s the best ass I can remember seeing outside of porn! As my gaze zeroed in on her, I blinked as a short burst of information flooded my brain.

[quote]Vulnerability: Electricity disrupts gaseous form[/quote]

Well, that’s good to know… looking around, I spot some extension cords on a roof, and grin. I was getting an idea, and it required a little bit of work in order for me to pull it off, but I’d have that tight ass trussed up and hogtied soon enough.


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