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I got a similar notification as when I came in Harriet, asking if I wanted to knock up Hermione. Like with Harriet, I’d do so in the future, but not right now. For right now, I let her go without a litter of puppies, just a womb full of my spunk instead. I might be biased, but as far as I’m concerned it’s not too bad a consolation prize. Still, I hopped off Hermione’s back, moving around to try to pry my knot out of her with… little success. Putting a paw on the meat of her delicious preteen ass and pushing resulted in her giving a gurgling little moan moments before my knot popped free, and she fell onto her side in a daze.

Harriet quickly moved, pushing Hermione’s head aside and diving face first into the cum oozing pussy of her fellow first year. I think I made a cum hungry monster in the Girl Who Lived. Eh, it’d be fine. For the moment, cleaning up Harriet and Hermione took priority, then after that we could move on to other activities. Hagrid should be getting a baby dragon at some point soon, if he hadn’t gotten the egg already.

I remember reading somewhere that Norbert was actually Norberta… wonder if I’d be able to mark her before she got sent away. No idea if I’d actually get around to fucking her before she got too big, but having a dragon see me as their alpha wasn’t a bad thing. I also need to work on more tightly integrating Delphina into Harriet’s circle, so we have an excuse to visit and I can pound that lovely MILF mother of hers. Although MILFGonagall was here at Hogwarts…

Is this what it’s like, to be spoiled for choice? Oh well, I have a full seven years, I’ll get around to them eventually.


October passed much as September had, with the addition of occasionally fucking Harriet and Hermione. Seems that enjoying the attentions of my red rocket worked that dog-hating stick out of her ass, even if I hadn’t yet replaced it with my dick by the time Halloween rolled around. But even without having taken her third virginity (I got her oral one about a week after I fucked her), the fact that she was getting regular orgasms meant that she was less uptight, much to the relief of Rhonda and the other members of the first year Gryffindor girls’ dorm. Really, it’s amazing what regular sex will do to improve relationships, even for those only tangentially related and not getting sex themselves.

The only thing of note to happen in the month of October was Hagrid being distraught when we visited one time and sobbing out that a dragon egg he’d been trying to hatch turned out to be a dud. In retrospect, what kind of idiot would smuggle a highly illegal dragon egg into the country, just to get some information out of a guy who can’t keep a secret to save his life anyway? So no Norbert or Norberta, but I guess it makes sense. Phooey, I was looking forward to having a pet dragon.

Still, the Halloween Feast was fun. I was given plenty of scraps and the house elves came up with some appropriately themed dishes specifically for me. I really need to find a way to reward them, the little guys do such good work and get barely any thanks. Maybe when the basilisk is dead, I can direct them to the Chamber of Secrets? So many tunnels that haven’t been cleaned in nearly a thousand years, the little workaholics will probably cream themselves at the thoughts.

Actually, do I need to wait until next year? Maybe I can guide Harriet to Myrtle’s bathroom and I can do some magic dog bullshit to find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets…

My musings were interrupted when the doors to the Great Hall slammed open, Ol’ Turban Head running in at a blind panic, “Troll! In the dungeons! Troll in the dungeons!” before collapsing in a ‘faint’.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. No biggie this time, since Hermione’s not hiding in the bathroom, but instead right where she should be: at the Gryffindor table scratching my ears and slipping me bits of steak and potatoes. Happily enough, since this Hogwarts isn’t being created book by book and instead has actually existed for a thousand years, Dumbledore didn’t send the students to their house dorms and instead had them stay put in the Great Hall. Given that roughly a quarter of the student population (namely the Slytherins) have their dorm in the dungeons, it was a much better decision.

The atmosphere was tense for a bit, as the teachers left to hunt down the troll, Hagrid moving to stand guard at the doors, his mammoth of a crossbow cocked and loaded. All things considered, Hagrid standing there visibly armed probably did more to calm down the students than any of the prefects. Of course, I felt the need to do my part and joined him standing guard. Two big, hairy guardians certainly set minds at ease.

I didn’t have to do much, just stand there and look protective. Because after half an hour the professors returned, the troll was knocked out and disposed of. With that, we were all sent to bed, the excitement over. Ol’ Turban Head still “fainted” in the middle of the Great Hall, our presence not having allowed him time to slip away and go after my Fluffy baby momma. Funny how some middling competence on the part of Dumbledore put a big fat monkey wrench in that plan. Hilarious, really.

In any case, I followed the Gryffindor prefects and other red and gold clad sheep back to Gryffindor tower, acting as a mount for my Best Girl. Much to the jealousy of some of her fellows, but too bad! Only my bespectacled waifu gets that kind of ride.


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