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Britanny and I both turned to face the source of the noise, her readying her claws as her tail lashed about behind her and I shifting into a loose fighting stance. I was ready to shift into one of my alien forms, but for the moment didn’t. To our surprise, a cape crawled out from behind the dumpster. The fact that they were a cape was made obvious by the fact that they were covered in orange and black striped fur and had a tail waving about behind them. The fact that they were a woman was made obvious by the fact that she was stark naked and sitting like a cat, her arms squeezing her generous chest and her wrists framing the mound between her legs.

I glanced over at Britanny, the presence of a naked woman having thrown me a little bit off my game, having been expecting a fight. Britanny seemed just as befuddled as I was, before cautiously lowering her arms and retracting her claws. The woman looked at us with wary eyes, baring her teeth as we slowly approached.

“It’s okay, we’re not going to hurt you,” I whispered, holding my hands up and open.

She narrows her eyes, but doesn’t attack, hiss, or do anything like that as I approach. Slowly, I reach out with my left hand, and she leans in and sniffs at it. Seemingly satisfied I wasn’t going to hurt her, she let me move closer, though her muscles remained tense.

“Do you have a name?” I asked, doing my best not to be distracted by her… assets.

She opened her mouth to answer, before pausing. Her eyes raced, and she scrambled backwards on her ass as her hands flew to her head.

“No remember. Why no remember? How no remember name?” she stammered out, her voice fearful but with an almost musical quality to it.

“It’s okay,” I whispered as I slowly walked up to her and gently rubbed at the fur behind her ear. It seemed to work, as her breathing steadied instead of rising in panic and she seemed to subconsciously lean into my hand.

After a few minutes, she looked up at me with big, green eyes and whispered, “Greer. No remember anything else.”

“Alright Greer, how about we get you out of this alley and get some food in you?”

“Food? Food good.”

“I hate to interrupt,” Britanny said, hesitance clear in her voice, “but as hot as it might be, you can’t walk around naked.”

Given the look Britanny was giving me, I knew what she wasn’t saying. Off went my shirt, and it soon became the only thing Greer was wearing. For once, I cursed the fact that despite my height I seemed to be surrounded by women as tall as I was. Because my shirt was just barely long enough.

“That’ll have to do,” I mused, before pulling out my phone as I dialed Kori’s number.


The trip home was rather nerve wracking, because Greer’s tail kept lifting the back of my shirt up and I have a hunch that even without that if she were to bend over, everyone’d get a complete view. Still, we made it without being pulled aside for indecent exposure. Kori opened the door as we approached, and promptly started to mother the confused Greer, pulling her along as she mentioned something about a bath.

Turning to Britanny, I couldn’t help but quip, “I think we’ll have to take a rain check on that appointment with the bed.”

She chuckled, before saying, “Looks like it. Still, don’t hesitate to call me next time. Kori’s got my number.”

Turning around, she bent over to pick up her bags. While also lifting her tail straight up into the air, showing that at some point she’d removed the bottoms she’d been wearing under her skirt. Her posture also revealed the fact that she’d been more than ready and eager for some action.

Why do the women in my life love tormenting me so? I asked myself as she straightened and headed down the steps with a cheeky laugh.

Sighing, I ran my hands through my hair before turning and heading to the kitchen to get started on fixing dinner. On top of my and Kori’s voracious appetites, we had a guest that probably needed a meat heavy meal. Still, it could be worse.

Let’s see what we had in the fridge…


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, and blearily I reached over to the side table where it was charging and answered it.

“Hello?” I grunted as I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

“Is… is this Felix?” a woman’s voice that sounded vaguely familiar asked from the other side of the line.

“Yeah, sorry, but who is this? I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.”

“It’s Jean, we… got to know each other about a month ago. I… I can call back?”

“S’alright, just don’t expect much in the way of advanced math or shit like that from me.”

“Alright… can we meet? I… don’t want to say this over the phone.”

“Unless you’re in the Brockton Bay area, that’s going to be a bit tricky. I’ve got obligations here that I can’t drop right now, and from the sounds of it it’s not something that you want to wait to talk about.”

“I’m in Boston at the moment, would meeting tomorrow work?”

“Alright, call me around ten tomorrow and I’ll be able to meet you for lunch. Fair?”

“Thank you… so, I guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow. Bye.”


Setting my phone down, I turned my head to meet the curious gaze of Kori, “That redhead I sent you a picture of when I was doing that job for Erik, she wants to meet and talk tomorrow.”

Kori’s face perked up as she remembered, before a grin spread across her face, “See if she’d be willing to join us. She’s very pretty.”

“That she is,” I agreed before getting out of bed and heading downstairs.

The last two weeks had been pretty quiet, thankfully. I kept up my ring fights, making quite a bit of money playing up the whole “demon possession” bit. No new forms, but I finally braved the Razortail, and despite having the Siberian remove the reason I gave it that name the last time I took that form, it was whole and hale.

There was more than just ring fights, Greer had basically moved in and Britanny and I went on some more dates. Greer had started mimicking Kori, and only wore clothes when we had company over. Britanny was doing the same when she visited, which would have been extremely frustrating on my part were it not for the fact that Kori (and to a lesser extent Britanny) was quite… enthusiastic about taking care of any and all erections she caused.

Then there was the tattoo. Yes, Kori decided that she wanted to get a tattoo. She wouldn’t tell me what she wanted, just where and that it would be a surprise. So I took her to a tattoo parlor, and fortunately the person doing it was a woman. I didn’t like the thought of a guy giving Kori a womb tattoo.

What was the tattoo, you ask? The symbol I’d settled on for a personal logo when I started seriously fighting. It was basically the symbol of the Omnitrix, but with the green sections replaced with burnt orange. Kori had that, outlined in black, tattooed just above where her womb would be. I fucking love that woman.

Britanny’s reaction when she’d seen it was… interesting. I don’t know how else to describe it, but the look in her eye the first time she saw it on Kori had me a touch worried. Fortunately, it seems that my worries were for nothing, because she didn’t act any differently than normal.

I just made it downstairs to the kitchen when I was greeted by an increasingly common sight. Greer seems to have decided, despite my as well as Sarah Pelham’s repeated offers to get her set up on her own, that she was going to continue living with Kori and I. More than that, she’d adopted Kori’s dress sense while in the privacy of our own home. That is to say, she wore as little as possible. In this case, since there was a hot skillet in front of her, that meant an apron and nothing else.

“Morning, Greer,” I greeted her as I made my way over to the coffee pot.

“Good morning, Felix. How long until Kori’s down?” she asked as she flipped over the hashbrowns she was cooking, before moving onto the scrambled eggs.

“You know how she is, she’s almost certainly on her way down,” I said with a bit of a grumble as I poured myself a cup of coffee. Sure enough, I’d barely taken a sip before Kori flew down into the kitchen.

“What a Glorious morning, is it not Greer!” Kori all but shouted as she picked up the catgirl in a hug and spun her around, prompting a yowl from Greer as her feet kicked, trying to find the ground.

I just amusedly rolled my eyes at their antics.


The next day, I was sitting across from Jean at a small diner, thoroughly confused by her apparent nervousness. While I’d only met her once, she didn’t strike me as the type of person to be nervous about much.

“Do you want to eat first?” I asked, both to break the ice and to give her a chance to collect her thoughts which she clearly needed. She hesitated, before shaking her head, sending her radiant red hair bouncing.

“No, I should get it out of the way. There’s no delicate way to say this, so…” Jean took a breath to brace herself, before saying, “I’m pregnant.”

I blinked in surprise. In hindsight, I should have expected that, since we weren’t exactly careful those few days, but just to be safe, “And you’re positive they’re mine?”

Jean gave a bitter smile, “I was in town then because my boyfriend was with another woman, and haven’t been with anyone else since then. You’re the only one who… well, ‘inside’ in the last six months. So there’s really no one else it could be. I… I know the law just says that your only obligation is child support payments, but…”

“Thanks for telling me,” I said as I leaned back in my chair. Okay, how to move forward. Kori’d be a mix of ecstatic and jealous. And that’s a whole other issue, explaining her… and Britanny and Greer.


“I want to be part of their life, I realize if you decide you want nothing to do with me then there’s little I can do,” legally, part of my mind added. “But I’m asking that you not do that. I want to be a dad. However, there’s some complicating factors that you should be aware of.”

Jean gave a snort, “Yeah, some ‘complicating factors’ on my end too.”

“Lunch then somewhere else to talk about said factors?”


After we ate, I ordered fish and chips while Jean had a double bacon cheeseburger, I sent Kori a message saying I was bringing a guest over so she needed to put some clothes on. At Jean’s curious look, I rubbed the back of my head and said, “My roommate’s a bit of a… well, you’ll see. Just know that whatever they’re wearing is a lot more modest than what they usually do.”

“Now you have my curiosity,” Jean said as I held open the passenger door for her.

“Oh trust me, I can all but guarantee that whatever you’re picturing isn’t as weird as what’s about to happen.”

Jean gave me a searching look as I drove towards the house. Best to rip off the band aid and let Kori explain the polygyny. If I tried to explain it, I’d just make myself look like a sleazeball. Kori somehow made it seem wholesome and I still have no idea how.

Soon enough, we were at the house, and I was out of time to stall before the revelation that I was a married man who got another woman pregnant and was also dating a third. When did my life become a bad sitcom?

“Are you alright?” Jean asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

“Trust me, it’ll be easier to show than explain,” I told her as I got out of the car.

Jean’s look turned suspicious as she got out and followed me up the walk to the front door. I’d just barely opened the door when an orange missile flew past me and wrapped Jean in a hug before twirling her around in the air.

“Thank you so much! This is a wonderful day! Come in, come in!” Kori babbled before dragging the poleaxed Jean in by her hand.

Following the two girls, I got started making tea as Jean tried to keep up with the veritable hurricane of joy and energy that was Kori. I listened with half an ear as Kori chatted away to Jean, catching the occasional word but letting her do all the talking. Until, when the tea was ready, Kori seemed finished.

“Mind giving us a chance to talk, Kori?” I asked as I brought a cup over to Jean.

“Of course! I’ll check on Greer,” Kori said before planting kisses on both my and Jean’s cheeks.

“She is… something,” Jean said as Kori floated out.

“That’s certainly one way to put it,” I chuckled.

“Who is Greer?”

“Case 53 living with us. She basically looks like a humanoid tigress. Anyway, Kori’s insistence on polygamy’s not the only thing I needed to share with you.”

As Jean gave me a curious look, I stepped back and considered the best form to demonstrate. In the end, I started with my Ravager form, the very first alien form I took. Jean’s jaw dropped in surprise, as I shifted back to human, then to Rath, human again, Prowl, and then back to human.

“So, yeah… I’m a…” I started, only for her to interrupt.

“You’re Legion?!”

I blinked in surprise, before realizing that it really shouldn’t have been such a shock. Sombra did say that the gambling was worth more than the GDPs of several nations, so Jean having seen me fighting wasn’t that big a stretch.

“Yeah, I’m still discovering all the different forms I can turn into, but the myriad of forms with different powers was why they picked that name. The only other candidate I’d come up with was Chimera. So, yeah…” I trailed off, not sure what else to say.

Jean gave a chuckle, before standing up and slowly saying, “Well… you’ve shown me yours, I guess I can show you mine.”

I gave her a curious look, before she lifted up into the air, followed by her cup. Without touching it, she brought her cup to her mouth and took a sip, while floating two feet off the ground.

“Huh…” was all I said, while mentally berating myself. How had I not put it together when she’d introduced herself? A redheaded woman with green eyes named Jean in a world with mutants; I’d done jobs for freaking Magneto, of course the X-Men would be a thing here! My mental self derision was cut off as my phone went off, and a quick check of the caller ID showed me that it wasn’t one I could really put off till later.

“Gimme a sec,” I told Jean before answering the phone. “Legion speaking.”

Jean perked up as she realized what she was getting to see, while I listened to the line, “You really made a name for yourself kid, the Champion wants to fight you.”


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