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Chapter Nine: Petting Purring Pussies

The next two days were spent almost entirely in Jean’s hotel room. Let’s just say the hotel staff is going to need more than a bottle of Febreeze to get the smell of sex out. But, eventually I had to head back to Brockton to my orange goddess of a wife. Plus Jean couldn’t stay in town any longer either and had to head back to wherever she was from (I didn’t ask and she didn’t stay). But, I have a number to call once I’m settled back in.

It was shortly after five in the evening when I got back, and as I walked through the door I couldn’t resist calling out, “Honey, I’m home!”

“In the basement!” I heard her call out.

“We have a basement?” I muttered, not remembering if we did or not. I was gone for less than four days, but it somehow felt like it had been a lot longer.

Still, I quickly figured out where the entrance to the basement was, the trail of flower petals being a sure indicator. Chuckling in amusement, I shucked my shirt before I started down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I felt around the wall until I found the light switch and flipped it, filling the basement with light.

I winced, before my eyes adjusted and I took in the presentation that Kori had prepared. The flower petals led to a low-set, circular bed that Kori was lounging on with barely a stitch on her. Her pussy was glistening as she ran the fingers of her right hand gently over it, keeping her ready but not pushing for more than that. Her breasts were as bountiful and perky as ever, her nipples sticking out like diamonds. But what really drew my attention was the only article of “clothing” on her.

“I found some rather interesting sites on the internet while you were busy, Husband,” Kori said as she played with the tag on the dog collar she was wearing.

“So I see,” I said as I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. Seeing Kori wearing nothing but a collar was making my pants very uncomfortable.

“If you’re willing, there’s something I want to try,” she continued, floating up off the bed and moving over towards me.

“Oh?” I asked, unbuckling my pants as I caught sight of the tag. ‘Property of Felix’

Reaching down and pushing my boxers down along with my pants, Kori leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I want you to take me in one of your other forms.”

I paused. I hadn’t even considered it, and honestly it sounded like it would be more weird than fun. But Kori had gone along with my request for her ass, so it was the least I could do. Thinking over my different forms, I discarded Inferno and Cerebrum for obvious reasons. In the end, I settled on Prowl.

In a split second, Kori let out a surprised shriek as Prowl’s massive hand-paws pushed her shoulders to the floor. My ‘vision’ was filled with her scent as I gave her a lick with my now massive tongue. She giggled as I licked her face like a dog, before giving her breasts some focus, the rough texture of Prowl’s tongue rasping and scraping at her nipples.

I lavished her breasts for a minute or two, before I flipped her over onto her stomach. She wanted to fuck like animals, that’s what she’ll get. Reaching down with one massive hand, I lifted her hips up while my other hand kept her head and shoulders pressed against the floor. Lining my tapered and fleshy barb covered member against her dripping folds I growl lustfully as I look down at her.

Oh yes, take me Felix! Ravage me, claim me! Kori moaned as I pushed my dick into her, impaling my sexy orange alien wife upon my own alien dick. As I continued to sink my xeno length into her welcoming depths, the new unique feeling of my new member caused me to almost blow right then and there but I just barely held my release back.

Gritting my teeth once I was fully sheathed within my loving mate, my hips meeting her pillowy ass cheeks, I pressed myself hard into her grinding into her lovely rear as I did so. This in turn caused my tapered tip to dig and grind into her cervix due to just how deeply embedded inside of her I was.

With a chuff, I grunt as I begin to slowly thrust my hard dick in and out of Kori at a slow and steady pace. In doing so, I caused the fleshy barbs covering my length to lightly drag along her inner walls, drawing a hiss of pleasure from her as I claimed her as mine once more. While the tapered head of my spear lightly poked her cervix with every thrust I made.

As I rutted into my sweet sexy and very eager Tamarianian mate, I felt her begin to rock and roll her hips, back against me matching her motions to those of my own thrusting him drawing an almost roaring moan from my lips.

Yes, Felix! Use me, my love. Use me to your heart's content! Kori cried out in between thrusts as she thrust herself back upon my cock trying her best to take even more of me into her wet and willing pussy.

Gritting my teeth, my large paw-like hands move from her head and shoulders to her motherly hips, grasping them firmly as I hunch over her, pressing my chest against her back. Snarling into her ear, my rough feline like tongue lulus out of my gaping jaw as I pant into her ear; my pace increasing as I fuck her like a wild animal. Leaving me thrusting into her at a hard and fast pace now. As I do so the sounds of her moans and cries of pleasure make my chest swell in pride at the fact that I could bring my wife such pleasure.

As I thrust into her so roughly I feel the bed beneath us shift slightly before feeling one of her small hands come to rest on my eyeless face as I fuck her, cupping my cheek. I nuzzle into her hand as I continue to use my mate as she wished to be used.

By X’Hal Yes~! Fuck me Felix use me as I am supposed to be used. I hear her purr out encouragingly as I continue to fuck her into the bed doing my best to break the frame.

Grunting, my pace begins to increase again as I thrust into her. Kori becoming almost lifelessly limp beneath me as the pleasure starts to become almost too much for her to handle. As I thrust brutally into her, I feel her hand fall away from my face as I hammer away at her sexy little ass, her body rocking beneath mine as I rut her with all my worth, my rhythm slowly starting to disappear as I draw closer to my end. All the while my tapered tip battered the entrance to her womb desperately seeking entrance to her sacred inner temple, while the fleshy barbs covering my length began to stand up and dig into her walls of her pussy as my member swells signaling just how close to the end I truly was.

Yes, yes, yes Felix! Do It! Claim my womb and paint it white with your seed! Mark me as yours and ensure your line continues through the use of my womb~! Kori screams to the heavens as she begins to cum on my hard cock. Which in turn causes me to reach my own end as well.

Thrusting into her madly, I finally slam myself home into her fully sheathing my dick within her inviting depths. My tapered tip pressing firmly against her cervix almost piercing it due to how hard I was pressed into her.

Throwing back my head and lifting myself off of Kori’s back, I roar to the heavens, drowning out her own wails of pleasure, as I begin to pump my scolding hot and thick seed into her waiting and accepting womb. Doing my best to do as she asked of me though we both knew nothing would come of this as she was still months away from being fertile.

Apparently Tamarainans, like felines and most animals on Earth, had heats and were only fertile twice a year. Though that was only in Earth years I don’t know about any other planets calendar system. But on Earth she went into heat in February and November for the whole month which sounded both scary and exciting.

Anyway panting heavily, I slump atop Kori’s exhausted and sweat covered form as the last of my seed trickles into her overly stuffed womb. I had stuffed her full of enough seed that her belly was bulging slightly making her look as if she was a few months pregnant. I rolled off of her, not wanting to crush her, despite knowing that I probably barely even weighed much to her, and slipped free of her clenching pussy with a pop as I came to rest on my side.

Closing my eyes I allowed myself to shift back into human form and laid back on my back, opening my eyes as I felt the bed beneath me shift. I glanced over to Kori and gave her a tired smirk as I watched her crawl over to me and grasp my softening member. Groaning in pleasure, I raised a brow as I watched her lower her head and begin to slowly lap up the mix of our juices from my length causing me to grow hard once again as she diligently cleaned off my member in preparation for another round.


The next week and a half was… interesting to say the least. Turns out that Kori had somehow gotten Britanny's number and they hit it off. How Kori talked Britanny into agreeing to a date with a married man, I'll never know. To be honest I'm not sure I want to know.

End result: Britanny and I ended up having a date on the Boardwalk, the closest thing Brockton Bay had to a shopping mall. I was skeptical at Kori's choice of venue for us, but went along with it. Woman could talk the stripes off a tiger if she put her mind to it.

So here I was, a married man waiting for another woman so we could go on a date arranged by my wife. The fuck has my life become?

“Felix!” I heard Britanny call out, and I turned to greet her.

“Hey, Britanny,” I greeted, mentally groaning as I took in what she was wearing.

A tank top a size (at least) too small and a skirt that was just as inappropriate. Just at a glance I could tell that she wasn't wearing anything under her shirt as she came up and hugged me. What was with this world and the women in it tormenting me? Still, I returned the hug and we were soon window shopping. There were plenty of stares, even in a city filled with capes like Brockton Bay, it wasn’t every day you saw a woman that looked like a mix of succubus and cheetah.

To be perfectly honest, I was kind of bored as we went from store to store. I'm an adrenaline junkie, shopping isn't exactly my idea of a good time. If that were all that happened I'd ask Kori to limit anything with the Boardwalk to only what was absolutely necessary. But that's apparently where Britanny's choice in wardrobe came in.

Why do I say that? Because every single time she found an excuse, Britanny was bending over with her skirt clad ass aimed right at me. Said skirt riding up enough for me to tell that she was wearing a purple thong. The hint of purple, just barely there long enough to register in my vision before disappearing, didn’t really leave many other options. It was about an hour into our date that there was a… bit of a complication.


Turning around as Britanny headed into the changing booths with an armful of clothes, I was surprised to see Crystal, my neighbor that Kori seemed determined to bring into our marital bed, as well as her cousins Vicky and Amy. Crystal seemed surprised, Amy indifferent, while Vicky was outright glaring at me. Yeah, no, I am not dealing with relationship accusations from teens. Holding up a finger, I pulled out my phone and immediately dialed Kori.

After a few rings, which I immediately put on speaker, Kori answered, “Hi Felix, how’s the date going?”

“Before I answer, you had a hand in Britanny’s wardrobe for the day, didn’t you?” I said with a drawl, as all three girls' eyes widened in surprise. Apparently the thought that my wife would not only know but partake in the planning for her husband’s date with another woman completely blew their minds.

“I did. She seemed a bit hesitant at first, but I eventually found a compromise that we were both okay with.”

“Uh-huh. Let me guess your original suggestion for what she should wear involved more skin than a trip to the beach?”

“Of course not! Even I know that she’d have to be wearing something while on a date to the Boardwalk.”

I bit back a laugh at the red faces on the three girls that had clearly just imagined Kori either in a bikini or at a nudist beach, before taking pity on them and turning the speaker off. Putting the phone to my ear, I didn’t bother hiding my amused grin as the cousins all scampered off, embarrassed beyond belief.

“In answer to your original question, the date’s going fine, though to be perfectly honest shopping isn’t really my thing,” I told Kori as Britanny came out, wearing a black and gold bikini that consisted of a few patches of fabric and a lot of strings.

“What do you think?” she asked as she gave a twirl.

“Felix? Is everything okay?” Kori’s voice pulled me from my staring, and I quickly wiped away the drool and readjusted my pants to hide the rather prominent bulge that had formed.

“I’ll call you back, Britanny’s back,” I said before turning back to said blonde and asking, “Quick question: would you be opposed to my sending Kori a picture of you in that?”

She hummed, cupping her elbow in her hand while innocently tapping her chin. An act that just so happened to press her breasts together, drawing even more attention to her already prominent cleavage. After a minute, she got a devious grin, before grabbing me by the belt and dragging me into the changing room.

“Sure, but let me get you some good poses,” she whispered huskily into my ear before stepping back.

What followed was… straining, shall we say. Britanny posed in damn near every lingerie and sport swimsuit pose there was, before finishing off with a one-legged pose that made it seem like she was attempting to put her bikini bottoms on without bending her back. When I sent the entire album to Kori, it was all I could do to not take Britanny right then and there in the changing room. But I had more class than that… not a lot, but I didn’t want my first time with a woman I respected to be in a beachside changing room.

In the end, while she had her eye on as many as fourteen more outfits, I managed to keep Britanny down to buying a mere four outfits (including that black bikini set). The fact that she walked out first, and had a very much not purple series of strings peeking out of the top of her skirt were surely done to strain my already thin restraint.

“Britanny,” I said as I led her away from the main part of the Boardwalk.

“Yes Felix?” she asked, her voice filled with faux innocence.

“If you don’t cut it out, I am going to end up bending you over a dumpster in an alleyway. If we’re going to go that far, I don’t want it to be like that. So either dial back the teasing, or let me know to take you back to my place so I can do this properly.”

She was silent for a moment, before speaking up, “Honestly I was hoping you’d take me into an alley and we’d do it against a wall, but I should have said something about it earlier. So, how about I do something to take the edge off, then we can head back to your place and we can break the bed as you fuck my imprint into it next to Kori’s?”

I felt my eye twitching at the mental image that provided, before grabbing her by the wrist and all but throwing her into the nearest alleyway. Her laughter echoed through the alley as I followed in after her, grabbing her by the back of her head and bringing her lips to mine in a bruising kiss.

Britanny laced her fingers through my hair as she met my hunger and passion with equal fervor. Our hands roamed the other’s body, mine lifting her up by her firm, toned ass, making her wrap her legs around my hips as her hands felt up my chest and abs. I lost track of how long we made out, but eventually, we broke apart for air, and her eyes, hazel surrounded by teal where most people had white, stared down at me before she got a sultry grin on her face.

“Let me down,” she whispered, unhooking her legs.

Reluctantly, I let go of her perfect ass and let her drop to the ground. Her grin took on a mischievous note, before she practically slid down my front, coming to a stop on her knees. Her hands rubbed at my dick through my cargo shorts.

When she was satisfied with how hard I was, she unbuckled my belt and fished out my rapidly hardening shaft. Then, instead of doing what I was expecting (licking or taking me into her mouth), Brittany pulled the straps of her tank top off of her shoulders and down her arms. Spitting into her hand, she started to jerk me off, making sure the entire length was lubricated. With her other hand, she pulled the front of her shirt down, letting her perky tits pop out and confirming what I already knew: she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Leaning in, she rubbed her cheek against my cock, nuzzling it much like a housecat demanding attention. I was expecting her fur to feel weird on my saliva coated dick, but instead it felt nice, something I certainly wouldn’t mind happening again.

Satisfied with her ministrations thus far, Britanny leaned her head back and brought her chest up, palming her massive breasts before enveloping my diamond hard shaft between them. Looking up at me with a smirk, she started to move her tits up and down. I groaned in pleasure as she did, luxuriating in the feel of her silky fur over her chest.

Reaching down, I couldn’t resist running my hand through her hair, my fingers lightly scratching behind her ear. That’s when a deep vibration started to emanate from inside her chest, as the sounds of purring filled the alley.

Holy shit, Britanny. That feels amazing,” I groaned out, trying not to erupt as the vibrations from her purring ran through my dick. This in turn caused me to buck my hips due to how pleasant the sensation was.

Watching Britanny, a smirk appears on my face as I watch her stare up at me as she continues to move her bountiful tits up and down my hard cock. As she does so, as I was not one to leave my partner to do all the work, I began to thrust my dick in and out of her breasts in time with her own pace loving the feel of her soft, silky, fur covered tits wrapped around my length gently massaging it.

After what feels like hours but in truth is only maybe five minutes or more my dick begins to swell and throb telling me and Britanny that my end was rapidly drawing near.

“Getting close Brit.” I growl out as I continue to fuck her lovely tits wanting nothing more that to paint them with my seed.

“Mmm… that’s it Big Boy, paint your kinky kitty’s face and tits with your seed. Mark me as yours,” she purred out with a lust filled voice, before opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue as she pressed her tits together harder around my prick and increased her pace doing her best to bring me release quickly.

“Here it comes!” I tell her as I bite back a yell and begin to release my large load spraying the lovely anthro cheetah before me with my seed. Covering her face with the first few shots of my hot sticky cum, while the rest landed either on her waiting tongue or upon her bountiful bosom.

Leaning back against the alley wall, I pant softly as I try to catch my breath, though it was hard as I was left staring at the sight of my beautiful Feline Girlfriend(I guess) covered in my seed, my semi-hard dick still trapped in between her cum covered breasts. Smirking at her, I make note of how she stares back up at me though with one eye closed as a rope of my cum landed on said eye while another was in her hair as well.

“Babe if you're gonna stare at least take a picture so that I can see it too.” Britanny comments as she looks up at me with a lustful smirk on her lips. Grunting, I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and quickly turn on the camera and snap a few more pictures of my Sexy Succubus Cheetah girlfriend. Before putting my phone away.

Once that was done and my breathing finally returned to normal I’m treated to another amazing sight, as I watched Britanny slowly lean back freeing my now soft dick from the confines of her breasts. And begin to clean my cum off her face with her hands slowly and sensually licking my cum off of her hands as she does so.

Once her face is clean I then watch a sinfully seductive smirk appear on her lips. As she places her hands atop her impressive tits and begins to rub my seed into her fur like it's a lotion making sure to fully coat her massive orbs with my seed, and then lick her hands clean once more when she is finished.

Though throughout all of this teasing my dick begins to start hardening once more at the erotic and sensual display put on for me. Watching her as she leans forward I hold my breath and then release a soft moan as I feel her rough but surprisingly pleasant feline tongue begin to slowly and sensually lick my member. Lapping up the remains of my seed off of my shaft slowly working her way towards the head.

Groaning in pleasure as Britanny continues to diligently clean my member I can’t help but shudder in pleasure once she reaches the tip. Watching her closely I watch as she leans forward and smirks at me as our eyes lock as she then places a soft loving kiss upon the tip of my member lightly sucking up the last of my seed before pulling back and winking at me. She then grasps my hard cock with her free hand and tucks it back into my shorts, zipping it up and buckling my belt again when she is finished.

As she stood up I watched her pull up her tank top concealing her breasts once more from my sight, seemingly not caring about the fact that my cum was now staining her top as it soaked into the fabric once she had it fully on.

“You Goddamn minx,” I growled as I pushed off the wall and stared at her, my shorts bulging due to my hard cock. “I hope you know you're helping me with this once we get back to my place.”

“You love me fo…” she started to say, before a loud BANG from further down the alley interrupts her, startling us and causing us to both jump in surprise.


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