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Where: Office of Immediate Murder Professionals, Imp City, Pride Ring, Hell

When: 234 days to next Purge

Who: Octavia

I admit, it felt a little weird having Dad bring me here for my date, but I did tell Jacques to pick the place and to surprise me. Given his being a Sinner, it makes sense that the place he’d pick would be in the Pride Ring. I didn’t really know any places in this layer, so wherever he picked would be a new experience.

“The fuck? Stolas, our ‘arrangement’ isn’t for another two weeks,” the weird imp Dad was sleeping with said as we entered the office Jacques worked at.

“I’m not here for that, Blitzy,” Dad said, raising his hands in a placating gesture.

“Octavia,” Jacques greeted me, his default frown disappearing. He wasn’t smiling, but showing emotion on his face was hard for him so I didn’t hold it against him.

“Jacques,” I returned, smiling softly as I walked up to him, trying not to be nervous as he took in the evening dress I was wearing. He’d said the place was semi-formal, so while it wasn’t the ball gowns Mum only ever wore it was still fancier than what I normally wore.

“You look beautiful,” he said, before he turned to his boss, “Blitzø, if there’s nothing else you need from me today?”

“Nah, go ahead and have some fun,” the weird imp said with a wink.

“Have fun dear,” Dad told me with a smile, before turning to Jacques, “Please have her home at a reasonable time, I’d rather not have Stella shouting about her getting home early in the morning.”

“Of course, sir.”

Jacques led me out, shutting the door just as the weird imp started shouting about Jacques showing Dad more respect than him. Setting that aside, I turned to face Jacques, about to ask where we were going, only to pause as his shadow crawled up his body. I’d seen him use his shadow magic before, so I just waited as it covered him from neck to paw. Finally, it retracted, showing him changed into a black suit with a red undershirt. Jacques held out his elbow, and I smiled as I hooked my arm around his.

“Where’d you decide on taking me?” I asked as he led me to an old fashioned car.

“A place my uncle invested in, not long after he arrived in Hell. I figured we could have dinner and then dance some,” he answered.

“Sounds great.”

“I hope so. Just be aware that it’s in Pentagram City, and my uncle died in 1933, so expect that era music.”

I didn’t say anything, but I felt a bit of apprehension at that. I hadn’t heard a lot of music from that time period, but if it’s anything like what I had heard of the genres that were popular at the time it wasn’t going to be my cup of tea. My exposure to jazz had shown me that the style of music was severely overrated.

But, even if I didn’t like the place, I would simply ask that we not go there again. I liked Jacques, and even if we had bad dates I didn’t want to stop dating him. To be honest, this was the longest I’d been dating someone that hadn’t tried to… move faster than I was comfortable with. Just because we were in Hell doesn’t mean I’m going to drop my panties at the drop of a hat or a fistfull of cash!

Jacques though, he hadn’t pushed. I knew he was interested, I’d seen the way his eyes sometimes drifted, and I know that wasn’t a flashlight in his pocket when our make out sessions got particularly steamy, but he hadn’t tried to push for more than I was comfortable with.

I glanced out the window of the car, seeing the changing architecture signifying that we were leaving one district and moving into another. Travel time in Hell was always weird. To my surprise, Jacques pulled off into a parking lot that didn’t seem to have anything attached to it.

I got out, following his lead, as he explained, “The club doesn’t have any reliable parking adjacent to it, so we will need to walk a little bit.”

A glance around made me feel slightly nervous at that, but I also knew that his family was pretty powerful for Sinners, his uncle being the oldest of the current Overlords after all, so I figured that if anyone did try something we’d be fine. I wasn’t as powerful as Dad, nor was I likely to ever be but I wasn’t helpless either.

So, arms linked again, we set off. I let Jacques take the lead, he knew where we were going. Feeling a bit bold, this was the first time we were together in front of this many people, I let my head rest on his shoulder as we walked. I felt his head turn a little to look at me, but I kept my head right where it was.

“Hey man!” a voice called out, and a rat-faced Sinner in a trenchcoat walked up to us. “Ya wanna buy a watch?”

“No,” Jacques curtly replied. I was getting better at reading the subtle variances in his voice, and I think I heard a bit of annoyance.

“C’mon, I got a buncha great models,” the Sinner said as he reached into his coat.

“I said no.”

“Too bad,” the Sinner snapped as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Jacques’s head. “Now gimme all yer cash, and the girl, and I won’t fuck up yer face to the point yer eyes look like assholes!”

I blinked in surprise, even as Jacques’s head slowly turned to face the Sinner. His face didn’t change, but his eyes started to glow green and he loosened the tight grip he kept on his power, letting it flow out and suffuse the entire street in an aura that roared with raw power and furious rage. My jaw dropped as I felt how much power he was throwing out, even as the people on the street all fled inside.

All except for the foolish Sinner, whose arm was now shaking so badly it’d be a miracle if he hit the buildings, let alone Jacques. Jacques slid his arm from mine as he stepped forwards, the glow from his eyes lighting up the Sinner even as his antlers seemed to grow more pronounced.

“…mercy?” the Sinner begged.

Jacques didn’t respond with words, instead he let his power answer for him. His aura vanished, focused entirely on the now rightfully terrified Sinner. The sidewalk surrounding the Sinner cracked and split, tendrils of shadow covered in spiked protrusions much like his antlers forcing their way out of the ground. The tendrils wrapped around the Sinner, pulling his arms and legs taut as three more burst out from the ground underneath him. Jacques turned away from the Sinner, even as the last three tendrils shot forwards, making the Sinner scream in a mix of agony, terror, and some other emotions I didn’t even want to consider.

“Apologies for that, shall we continue?” Jacques asked, pulling me away from the Sinner experiencing what had to be a very unpleasant (to say the least) pegging.

“Let’s,” was all I said, putting the fate of the Sinner out of my mind.

The casual ease with which Jacques wielded his power and how much of it there was, that was much harder to ignore. Just… I didn’t know Sinners could wield that much power! It was nearly equal to what my maximum output was, and I’d have a lot more difficulty in flexing that amount like that.

Flexing power like he did was great for a show of intimidation, but it was a lot harder to do so with any significant amount of a demon’s power than it looked. To make it look as easy as Jacques did, you couldn’t use more than a third of your power, and focusing it on a single individual made that amount even lower. Meaning, at bare minimum, Jacques was about three times as powerful as I am!

“Jacques…” I swallowed as I braced myself for his answer, “About how much of your power did you flex back there?”

“With the understanding that I’ve yet to find any means of precise measurements,” he began. “Maybe twenty percent?”

Five… times… I have never been so aroused in my life. That amount of power made me want to drag him into an alley and not leave until he’d filled me and left me an incoherent mess. When we were done, I was dragging him into my room and he wasn’t going to be leaving until the morning. I don’t care if I was grateful for him not rushing our relationship earlier, that was the hottest thing I’d ever felt.

“We’re here,” Jacques said, pulling me from my thoughts.

Quickly wiping my mouth with the back of my hand to make sure I wasn’t drooling, I followed Jacques inside.

Where: Octavia’s Bedroom, Stolas’s Estate, Lust Ring, Hell

When: 4 hours later

My lips met Jacques’s as I dragged him by his lapels into my room, my foot reaching out to kick the door shut. He was returning my kiss with equal intensity, and as the back of my legs met my bed, I pushed his suit jacket off him and grabbed his tie before breaking the kiss and staring into his eyes.

“I want you to know, I haven’t done this before. You’re going to be my first. That having been said,” I pulled on his tie, making him lean down so I could whisper in his ear, “I want you to fuck me so hard I pass out.”

What happened next, Jacques somehow slipped out of his clothes (even the tie) and picked me up like I weighed nothing. He slipped his head under my dress, his hands holding me up by my ass and back, and… oooooooohhhhhhhhhh

His tongue felt so much better than my fingers ever had, dancing and tracing along my pussy lips under my feathers down there. I grabbed onto his antlers for stability, because the jolts of pleasure that shot through me threatened to make me fall despite Jacques supporting me. Then he nipped at my clit, and my vision exploded into stars as I came harder and more intensely than I ever remember achieving on my own. By the time my vision cleared, I was lying on my bed with Jacques looming over me, his red, throbbing cock standing in stark contrast to his black fur.

Smiling up at my boyfriend, I spread my legs as I reached up and pulled him down into a kiss. He returned it, as he guided his tip to my lips. I felt myself tensing in preparation, my arms wrapping around his neck, and he pushed in. I groaned into his mouth as I felt him spread me open, my body stretching to welcome him. I was half expecting to feel something tear, but either I’d lost my hymen already or the stories about losing it the first time were bullshit because it felt so gooooood!

“Jacques,” I whimpered as our kiss broke, my eyes half lidded with pleasure as I stared up at him.

When: 3 hours later

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, turning my head to look at Jacques sleeping next to me. Smiling softly, I gave him a peck on the cheek before slipping out of bed and slipping on a bathrobe. Silently shutting the door behind me, I made my way to the kitchen, feeling a bit peckish and luxuriating in the new feeling of soreness in my core.

Humming to myself as I stepped into the kitchen, I froze upon realizing that Mum was there. With a bottle of her favorite wine that looked rather empty.

“Well,” Mum slurred, glaring at me. “I shee the shlut finally came out.”

“Mum,” I started to speak, only for her to cut me off.

“Don’t talk. Do you have any idea what you did, shlacking up with that thing? You are a Goetia, a noble, and you brought home a bashe-born plebian. Your father wash bad enough, shucking imp dick. But what should I have expected? You alwaysh went running to him, even when he shtarted being a fucking dishcrace.”

I stood there, rubbing at my arm and holding in the tears as Mum ranted at me. She’d been drinking more lately, and whenever she got like this it was better to let her and wait for it to get out of her system. In the morning she’d apologize, and that’d be that. No matter how much it hurts to listen to her.

And shtop fucking crying!” Mum shouted before my head snapped to the side and there was a sharp pain in my cheek accompanied by the sound of shattering glass. “Shatan’sh breath, you’re shuch a dishappointment.I should have taken that tea when I found out I wash pregnant, then I’d have one embarrassment in my family inshtead of two.”

My hand went to my cheek, feeling the cuts made by the wine bottle when it broke. I tried to ignore her words, I tried to ignore Mum saying she wished I wasn’t born. I tried so hard. My shoulders shook as I forced down the sobs. I couldn’t tell anyone. Mum was drunk, that was all. If I told Jacques, he’d do worse to Mum than he did the rat Sinner. If I told Dad, he’d try to kill her.

Who: Jacques

Octavia returned. Eyes wet, cheek bloody. Rage filling mind. Focus. Comfort/protect Octavia now. End one who hurt her later. Speak with Stolas, find out which servant hurt her or if need to kill his wife. For now, hug Octavia. Move between her and door, anyone entering goes through me to get to her.


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