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“Simon Says: Bring me a sandwich.”

“Simon Says: Turn off the lights.”

“Simon Says: Fetch me a beer.”

“Simon Says: Stick your tongue out.”

“Simon Says: Turn away and start doing jumping jacks.”

As annoying as it was, Taylor did her best to ignore the antics of the Undersiders' human Master. Just dealing with the ten seconds where her body obeyed his commands without her input. The limitations of Simon's power were some of the most well known in Brockton Bay: people had to do whatever he said, but the compulsion dropped completely after ten seconds.

After the Undersiders had appeared that night with Lung, she’d had the idea to go undercover, gather as much information as she could about them, and then hand them over to the Protectorate so as to have a name for herself before she became a Ward. She didn’t want to deal with the high school drama in the Wards, so if she made a name for herself as a hero before joining she’d already have shown that she was to be taken seriously.

She’d already told Armsmaster about the Undersiders’ secret backer, but she needed more information. Despite what Armsmaster thought, she could handle herself, and, Simon’s annoying constant use of his power on her aside, they weren’t too bad. Lisa was the closest thing she’d had to a friend in years and Brian was trying to look out for his sister.

She wished she knew who that dog cape that had helped her against Lung was, but they split as soon as the Undersiders had arrived. At the very least she wanted to thank them, but also find out what they knew about the Undersiders. There had to be a reason they fled as soon as Simon, Brian, and Lisa had shown up.

She’d been worried about being in such close proximity to a human Master, but that first day Lisa had taken her aside and told Taylor that with enough exposure, Simon’s power had a harder time sticking. So she put up with the constant, often humiliating, short lived commands. It’d make bringing him down easier if she could completely ignore his power when she turned them into the Protectorate.

“Simon Says: Bend over, gripping your ankles, and don’t say a word,” Simon’s voice and her body obeying took Taylor out of her mental musings.

Rolling her eyes, Taylor mentally counted the ten seconds off… but still couldn’t move. Why couldn’t she move, his power should have worn off, everyone knew his limits, he all but shouted them from the roof of the Medhall building! A thought occurred to Taylor, sending a cold chill down her spine: had he been sandbagging? Lying about how long his power lasted? No, it dropped off too uniformly, always ten seconds exactly, so why wasn’t that happening now?

“Trying to figure it out Bug-Girl?” Simon asked from the couch as he got up. “It’s quite simple, you stupid girl. My power lasts for ten seconds, but after enough repeated exposure, unlike what I had Tats tell you, it becomes permanent. I probably could have done this a few days ago, but better safe than sorry when dealing with a wannabe undercover hero.”

Taylor’s eyes danced back and forth as her mind raced. Lisa had told her the exact opposite of long term exposure to Simon’s power, but if it had already affected Taylor… how long had Lisa been exposed to it? Was anything Lisa said or did true, or was she just a puppet dancing to Simon’s strings?

“Anyway, let’s get the basic stuff out of the way. Simon Says: Do nothing that could expose my power’s limits. Do nothing that would result in getting caught by the Protectorate or PRT. Do nothing that would result in serious harm to me. Service me physically whenever I’m in the mood. Stop wearing underwear. Unless I’m forgetting something that should do it for now.”

Taylor’s eyes widened even more as his hand started to grope her butt. He wasn’t… his hand slipping under the waistband of her jeans killed her train of thought. His fingers pinched and squeezed at the flesh of her ass while he made considering noises.

“You have no idea how troublesome life’s been since you showed up,” Simon groused as he worked her jeans down to her knees, leaving her standing there, bent over, hands holding her ankles, her plain white panties exposed to the pervert’s gaze. After a moment, her panties joined her jeans, leaving her exposed to his eyes.

“Seriously, I went from having near constant relief to needing to let Tats stay dressed and on her feet whenever there was a chance you’d show up. I’ve got so much pent up frustration and now you get to be the one to let me relieve it. Simon Says: Wetten up.”

Despite the fact that she wasn’t aroused, her body obeyed the order, just in time for Simon to slam his dick into her formerly virgin pussy. Taylor let out a wordless scream of pain, the rough, uncaring thrust tearing her hymen apart with a stabbing pain like he’d shoved a knife into her. Desperately, Taylor tried to think of some way out of this. She tried to make her bugs attack him, but no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t make her power actually attack him. Still, no one wanted to have sex when there were a bunch of bugs crawling all over them.

“Right, forgot about that, Simon Says: Shut up and take it,” Simon ordered, and immediately she couldn’t bring her bugs out. Quite the opposite, her power was pushing them away. Desperate, she sent some bugs into Lisa’s room, hoping that she’d be able to get the other girl’s attention.

Instead, as she managed to piece together what her bugs were seeing, her heart plummeted into her stomach. Lisa was on her bed, head hanging over the edge, but Brian was fucking her mouth, his hands around her neck and hips driving him into her throat like a freight train. The only solace that Taylor found in the sight was that Lisa looked to be enjoying this as much as she was, from the tears in her eyes.

Taylor couldn’t focus on Lisa for long, as Simon’s hands gripped her hips as he started to pull out. Before pushing back inside her with a quick, punishing thrust of his pelvis. As he drove his cock in and out of her depths, all Taylor could do was cry.

“Not bad, not bad at all. Gotta say, it’ll be nice to have a second toy here. Get some variety from Tats,” Simon grunted as he fucked Taylor, bringing a hand down on her ass with a loud crack. “You interrupted my usual routine, so here’s… your… first… load!”

Simon’s thrusting became erratic, before he buried his dick as deep into Taylor as it would go. Taylor knew what was happening, he was cumming in her. Shooting his sperm into her womb, and the way she was still bent over meant that she couldn’t so much as rely on gravity to help push it out. Taylor started to cry harder, she wasn’t on birth control, she didn’t want to get pregnant to a rapist Master.

“Man I’ve been holding that in for a bit,” Simon groused as he pulled out, “That’s one load down, shall we see how many I can put in you before Brian wants to switch?”

Still unable to say anything, Taylor did her best to glare at him from between her legs. Simon just laughed, and gave a new order, “Simon Says: Get on the couch, stick your head over the arm.”

Taylor had a bad feeling about what he was planning, but could do nothing as her body obeyed his order. Walking awkwardly with her jeans and panties around her knees, she climbed onto the couch and wiggled up until her head hung back over the armrest. She had just enough control over her body to pull her hair out from under her shoulders. This was going to be unpleasant enough without it getting caught under her.

Open wide.”

Taylor’s mouth opened up, just in time for Simon to shove his dick, still slick with cum and her juices, into her mouth. The taste of his leftover cum, combined with his head banging at the entrance to her throat, made Taylor gag. Simon didn’t care, pushing past her gag reflex to bury his full length into her mouth and throat. Taylor squirmed on the couch, but still couldn’t pull herself away, since that wouldn’t be ‘taking it.’

Stick your legs up,” he ordered. Her focus on trying to breathe around the obstruction in her throat, Taylor paid little attention to Simon grabbing onto her legs as she brought them up.

A part of her noted that he pulled her jeans and panties off, but the corners of her vision going dark and the oncoming panic that came with being unable to breathe overwhelmed that part. Just as she was about to pass out, Simon pulled out of Taylor’s mouth. Hands flying to her throat, she drank in huge gulps of air between coughs as she tried to catch her breath.

“Hmm… as fun as it would be to give you a nice hard throatfuck, I think I’ll stick to your cunt. Simon Says: Turn around and spread your pussy lips open,” her rapist ordered.

As she obeyed, Taylor heard one of the doors open. A very small glimmer of hope was quickly dashed as she heard Brian say, “Finally able to break the new girl in?”

“Yeah, I was a little surprised to find out that she was a virgin. I punched her mouth and front v-cards, you want her last one?” Simon asked, as Brian walked into Taylor’s view.

“Maybe later, you know how much prep needs to go into that without sending her to the hospital. I’ll just see how she compares to Lisa.”

“Well, I’m going to enjoy Tats while you do that, oh, and before I forget,” Simon turned back to Taylor, “Simon Says: Give Brian a good time, Let him fuck you however he wants, whenever he wants.”

As Simon walked off, and Brian turned to look at her with a lecherous grin on his face, any hope Taylor had died. He walked around the edge of the couch, pulling her up into a sitting position as he sat down, his shaft already growing hard.

“Let’s start off easy, if you can make me cum with just your mouth, I’ll leave it there for now,” he said as he leaned back, an easygoing smile on his face.

Taylor glared at him, but didn’t say anything. Instead she leaned down over his lap and hesitantly began to lick at his dick. She had no real idea for what to do, the few porn videos she’d seen didn’t exactly provide step by step instructions, so she took it into her mouth and tried to mimic what she’d seen online.

Before long, her jaw ached, and Brian seemed unimpressed, “Simon wasn’t kidding about you being a virgin. Alright, I’m tired of this.”

Brian pulled Taylor’s head off his cock, before grabbing her by her thighs and lifting her up over his lap. Forced to straddle his hips, Taylor looked down between them, eyes wide as he placed his tip at her entrance.

“Well, get to it,” he said with a smirk.

Simon’s order still in effect, Taylor’s body lowered down, splitting herself open far wider than Simon had. Her teeth grit in pain as her pussy stretched out farther than it ever had. As she slowly started to bounce on Brian’s lap, she wished that she’d listened to Armsmaster, that she’d never had the idea to go undercover. As he came inside of her, Taylor could only hope that Simon didn’t give her any orders about coming back here before she managed to head home. That he didn’t give her an order forbidding her from returning home.


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