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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I woke slowly, feeling a luxurious bed under me, and three… my eyes shot open. A glance to my left filled my vision with black hair, silky smooth as the owner kissed and nibbled at my neck. A glance down saw two heads, one blonde the other brunette, kissing, sucking, lavishing my balls and shaft. A look to the right showed three women, a glasses wearing brunette, a green eyed blonde, and a blonde with red and blue dyed ends, all watching the show.

I recognized the three to the side: Taylor Hebert, Lisa Wilborn, and Harley Quinn. All three were staring at the four of us with undisguised lust, naked desire in their eyes. Before I could say anything, a calloused hand gently gripped my chin and turned my gaze to meet the green eyes and confident smirk of… oh.

“Glad to see you’re awake,” Nikhol Diomedes, Darth Nox, purred, her fingers exploring my stubble.

Before I could say something that would surely make a fool of myself, Nikhol pushed on my shoulder, making me lay back on the bed. Her silky smooth thighs came down on either side of my head, and my hands came up to her hips to help hold her steady. I couldn’t see anything past her, but I still knew what to do. Leaning up, I reached out with my tongue, sampling the ambrosia from her heavenly gates.

“That’s it…” she cooed as my tongue explored her depths, seeking to discover the treasure within.

I felt one of the two mouths lavishing attention on me lift away, before the familiar, vaguely British sounding voice of Lana Beniko spoke up, “How is he, darling?”

“Pretty good for a man. He, ooh, must have practiced, yes right there, and actually listened.”

“Unlike Theron or the pirate? That bodes well for everyone,” Lana’s cheshire grin was audible, but if she said anything else I couldn’t hear it past the sensation of whoever was down there with Lana taking one of my balls into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. The temptation to throw my head back and savor the sensations nearly overwhelmed me, but I tightened my grip on Nikhol’s hips and focused on satisfying the Sith above me.

I was glad for my focus, as the conversation with Tara Q finally began to return to me.  This situation must be a result of the pheromone thing she whispered about.  More than just the discussion, but also some key things I’d need to do in order to make the rest easier returned to me. That would come later, for now I had an extremely powerful dark side Force-user to bring to the little death and, come Hell or high water, I was going to do just that!

“Mmm… someone’s eager,” Nikhol moaned as my tongue flicked her clit, her fingers trailing along my chest as Lana took my head in her lips.  Having a beautiful female Sith on my face would always flip my switch from ‘control of self’ to ‘sweet surrender.’  Despite the pleasure running through me as the two women gave me the greatest blowjob of my life, I refused to let Nikhol go without cumming herself.

I managed to succeed, the Darth leaning forward, hands on my abs. “Kriff, yeesssssssssss,” she hissed as her thighs clamped down on my head and a surge of nectar flooded my mouth.

Eagerly drinking down the heavenly fluids she was giving me, I stopped trying to hold back my own impending orgasm and soon found myself erupting into Lana’s mouth. Having made Nikhol cum, I let myself flop back as I felt the mouths on me leave. When Nikhol rolled off me a moment later, I finally managed to see who the mystery brunette was.

Cameron Baum? I’d been given half a blowjob by a terminator who was now being given my cum by Lana Beniko and having an orgasm from the taste? Well… I suppose there were worse ways to go. And better her than an Arny terminator.

“Hawt as that was, and believe me that was the hottest thing I’ve watched in a long time, anybody know where we are?” the drawling voice of Harley Quinn broke the spell of the afterglow. Looking over, I was mildly surprised to see that they had changed positions. Instead of Taylor and Lisa sitting next to each other with Harley a short distance away, Harley was now between the two parahumans, arms over their shoulders and playing with a nipple in each hand.

“He does, sort of?” Lisa said, gesturing to me while seemingly trying to ignore the fingers rolling her nipple between them.

Feeling six pairs of eyes staring at me, I couldn’t help but swallow nervously. This could go very wrong, very fast if I wasn’t careful.

A round of explanations followed by finding the mess hall of whatever ship we were on (and figuring out how the replicator worked) later, and the seven of us were sitting down having breakfast. Taylor, Lisa, and Harley were giving the strange amalgamation of pastel colored things on Nikhol and Lana’s plates weird looks, while I was surprised to see Cameron eating.

Pulling her attention away from the alien (literally) breakfasts not three feet away, Lisa turned her gaze to me, a hint of wariness in her eyes, “Something you didn’t explain: how do you recognize all of us? From what you described, it didn’t sound like you were from the same Earth as Skitter and I, and definitely not the same world as them,” she gestured towards the two Sith, “yet you knew who each and every one of us were.”

I sighed, pushing my hash browns away so I could focus on the explanation, “The best way I can think to describe this… have you ever read the works of Heinlein?”

Taylor perked up, “Mom introduced me to his works when I was in grade school. He was a science fiction author that first rose to notoriety in the 40s and died in ‘88. One of his most notable works discussed the concept that came to be called the World as Myth, where he put forth the notion that all stories were true in another reali… ty… oh.”

Harley turned to me, curiosity plain on her face, “Ya sayin’ that where you’re from we’re all from books or somethin’?”

“Certainly a… curious claim. If true,” Nikhol calmly said with a hint of threat, sparks dancing between the tines of her fork.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair before pointing to Cameron, “A T-900 model Terminator, sent back in time to protect the young John Conner so that he could go on to lead the resistance against the AI Skynet. Spent your time with him and Sarah Conner as ‘Cameron Baum.’”

Moving my finger to Harley, “Doctor Harleen Quinzel, you worked to rehabilitate the criminals of Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane and were assigned to the inmate known only as the Joker. He manipulated you into falling in love with him and you took up the moniker of Harley Quinn.”

“Tattletale, Lisa Wilborn, born Sara Livsey. When your brother committed suicide you gained the ability to cold read to a degree that Sherlock Holmes would trade his left arm for. You ran away from home to escape from your parents who tried to use your power to manipulate the stock market and were eventually forced to work for the villain Coil at gunpoint.”

“Skitter, Taylor Hebert. You gained the power to control bugs after being shoved into a locker filled with feminine hygiene products that had been sitting there for the winter break; the culmination of a year and a half of targeted bullying by one Sophia Hess and Emma Barnes, the latter once your sister in all but blood.”

“Nikhol Diomedes, Darth Nox.  Dark Lord of the Sith.  A slave for the Sith Empire before being sent to Korriban after your Force sensitivity was discovered. You were apprenticed to Lord Zash, and later discovered you were the descendant of the ancient Sith Lord Kallig. Zash tried to possess your body at the expense of your life but failed. You then engaged in a protracted campaign of trying to get Zash’s superior, Darth Thanaton, off your back that ended with his death and you taking his spot on the Dark Council.”

“Lana Beniko. A Sith Lord that served under Darth Arkous before discovering that he was a traitor and part of a secret cult called the Order of Revan. You worked with the Republic SIS agent Theron Shan and eventually with the help of others managed to defeat Revan and were promoted to the head of Sith Intelligence.

“So how’d I do?” I asked sarcastically, finally looking up to meet the six shocked gazes.

“So that’s what it’s like from the other side,” I heard Lisa mutter to herself.

“There was a lot you left out,” Lana hesitantly began, “But more or less accurate.”

“There was one important thing ya left out,” Harley stated with the kind of calm that came from forced calmness. “I left that abusive prick months ago. Been seven months since I’ve seen him on anything but the evenin’ news.”

“I’m glad.  You deserve better,” I congratulated her with an honest smile. Ever since I saw Mad Love… that was when she stopped being a recurring character, I’d met too many people in that same situation for it to not hit home.

“You stated that we are to prevent the collapse of a section of the multiverse,” Cameron interrupted, “but you neglected to tell us anything about the world we will be arriving in.”

“Ah, right. Of the six of you, Har… would you prefer Harley or Harleen?” I might have spent most of my life thinking of her as Harley, but if she wanted Harleen I’d adjust.

“Harley’s fine. Despite the jerk it’s associated with, it’s catchy.”

“Harley it is. Anyway, Harley’s world is the closest to the one we’ll be arriving in. The major difference being the year we’ll be arriving. When we get there it’ll be 1980, and we’ll have five years to prepare. Well, once we figure out how to get there. Cameron, could you connect to the ship’s computer and figure out what kind of ship this is?”

“Yes,” was all she said before standing up and walking away.

“Not good with people, is she?” Nikhol drawled.

“She’s essentially a highly sophisticated infiltration/assassination droid,” I told her, causing both Sith to look at me in shock.


“Think a droid built within the human skeletal frame then given a skin to serve as a disguise and files about how to interact and behave to pretend to be human. If that were activated, there’s no way to differentiate her from an ordinary human just by watching her.”

Before anyone else asked any questions, there was a crackle of static before Cameron’s voice spoke over the intercoms, “I have located the bridge. This ship is a space-worthy vessel built within the frame of a World War II era Japanese battleship.”

Space battleship… Did Tara give me the Yamato?

“If I am understanding the readouts correctly, we are currently in the asteroid belt. If we are to head to Earth, we will reach lunar orbit in approximately five hours at cruising speed. Shall I set course?”

I wasn’t quite sure where the link to the intercom in the mess hall was, so I took a gamble and called out, “Please.”

“Setting course,” Cameron called out before the sounds of the ship activating slowly filled the room.

“I suppose the droid will be useful,” Nikhol mused aloud.

“Terminator, not droid,” I corrected before calling out, “Cameron, you still listening?”


“Right then, continuing the explanation. The planet Earth is protected by an organization called the Justice League. This particular incarnation, I believe, has thirteen members. The most well known, back on my Earth anyway, are Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Superman, appearances to the contrary, is not human, but one of the last of a race called Kryptonians. The exact specifics vary from dimension to dimension, but on Earth he has a host of various powers,” I said, ticking each off on one of my fingers.  “Invulnerability.  Unassisted flight.  Super strength.  Super speed.  And the ability to project heat from his eyes the way that Nikhol and Lana can project electricity from their hands.  Alexandria from Lisa and Taylor's world could be described as a poor man's version. He was first 'created' in 1938 and his abilities are all on a level beyond what she could hope for. But what makes him truly powerful, legendary, are his unshakable compassion and basic decency.  If everyone had those…" I trailed off, scarcely able to imagine what the world would look like, before forcing myself to focus back on the explanation.

“Wonder Woman is an Amazon, crown princess of a tribe of women blessed by their gods with immortality, enhanced physical abilities, and a home that is appropriately called Paradise Island. Wonder Woman specifically has physical capabilities on par with Superman as well as enchanted bracers capable of deflecting damn near anything as well as a lasso that forces those bound by it to tell nothing but the truth.

“The last of the three is-”

“Batsy!” Harley interrupted me with a yell, throwing her hands into the air.

Giving her an amused smile, I asked, “Would you like to explain Batman?”

“You betcha! I know all about Batsy! He caught me dozens of times when I was still running with Joker. The last time was after I actually managed to catch him and had him dead ta rights! But he’s a smart one, he played me inta calling Joker, knowin’ that pasty faced, lothesome, heartless, son of a bitch wouldn’t be able to handle anyone but him killing Bats.”

“In many respects, Batman is the most dangerous of the three, despite the fact that unlike the rest of the Justice League he doesn’t have any powers,” I began, only for Lisa to snort in amusement.

“Really? Someone without powers being more dangerous than two Alexandria packages?” Lisa asked rhetorically, only for her face to pale as I thought about the Batman Who Laughs.

“Powers don’t determine everything. In the version of the story you and Taylor are from, she manages to kill Alexandria.”

“Wha?” Taylor asked in shock.

“Alexandria still needs to breathe, and she threatened your friends. So you drowned her in a swarm consisting of every bug in your range. Not bad for someone with a ‘weak’ power, wouldn’t you say.

“Anyway, we’re getting off topic. Part of what makes Batman dangerous, despite a lack of powers and a rule against killing that depending on the source borders on insanity, is his other title: World’s Greatest Detective. There’s a reason that in nine out of ten times that he and Superman fight, it’s not the flying brick that comes out on top.”

I was prepared to go on, when Cameron spoke up, “Bear. We have a visitor in green outside the bridge.”

… it seems that we’d be meeting the Justice League in a lot less than five hours.


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