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Wondrous item, uncommon

This glass salt shaker has a silver skull top and is filled with 1d3 + 1 uses of spirit-shaking salt. While holding the shaker, you can use an action to shake it: you can either cast the salt away from you or sprinkle it on a creature within 5 feet of you.

Cast. When you cast the salt away from you, any undead with the Incorporeal Movement trait within 10 feet of you is shunted to the Ethereal Plane (if it isn't already there) and can't enter the Material Plane for 1 minute.

Sprinkle. When you sprinkle the salt on a possessed creature, the possession immediately ends.

Salt, to the base citizen, is a matter of only mundane consequence. For them, it is a flavor for the wealthy, a preservative for the common, even a nuisance for the seabound of both castes.

But to those that fall beyond the veil, these simple traits render humble salt an anathema. For in its nature it still bears the zest of life, a purity against decay, and an ever-churning heart that denies the call of death.



Matías Morales

Damn dude, allá week, very early, interesting