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Wondrous item, uncommon

The inside of this heavy leather cloak is decorated with the image of a roaring fireplace. Brick-like patches of leather line the rim of the cloak, which always feel fire-warmed to the touch. While wearing the cloak, you can tolerate temperatures as low as −50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection. Laying the cloak on the ground or hanging it on a wall with its fiery inside exposed creates as much warmth as a small campfire.

You can use an action while wearing the cloak to speak one of its two command words and activate its properties.

"Kindle." You ignite a flammable object you're holding.

"Warm." Nonhostile creatures within 10 feet of you gain 2d6 temporary hit points. A creature with these hit points can tolerate temperatures as low as −50 degrees Fahrenheit without any additional protection. Once this property of the cloak has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

I continued on through the blistering wind. Snow clung to my beard and eyelashes, and my feet and hands had long ago gone numb. But still, I trudged on: I knew deep down that to stop now would mean never seeing home again. It felt so far away.

Yet, through a momentary break in the gusts, I saw a light: orange and bright against the white landscape. I turned and stumbled towards it, praying to every god I could name that I had finally found the town's edge. As I neared the glow, a figure came into view: a man sat by a boulder that was alight with flame.

When he noticed me he pulled the fire off the rock like a blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders. All at once, the chill was pulled from my bones and my teeth ceased their chatter. As I looked up at the man, he gave me a smile that was just as warm, and led me gently toward his camp.
