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Hey heroes!

As always, thank you so much for your support. It's always an honor to wake up in the morning and get to work making content for us all collectively to enjoy. You make it possible, so thank you!

I try to give you all plenty of heads up for when I go on vacation, and this is no exception. I'll be away for a couple weeks next month—I'll still be managing emails and communicating, I just won't be making content every day. Instead, I'll bring on a variety of my favorite creators to showcase their work (and give you a buncha freebies) in the interim.

These creators, like me, can afford to make this content because of your support. So, if you end up liking someone's work, please consider supporting them for it, too! High tides raise all ships, especially in this community!

And! I still have at least one bonus announcement planned for this month, so be sure to keep an eye out for it! You won't wanna miss it!

That's it for me right now! Until next time: keep on adventuring!




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