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Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This warm red coat carries a feeling of good tidings and midwinter cheer, even in the most bitter of cold. While wearing it, you have resistance to cold damage, and any Wisdom (Insight) check you make is made with advantage. The cloak also has the following properties.

Spells. While wearing the cloak, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells from it on yourself (save DC 17): detect thoughts, enlarge/reduce, freedom of movement, or invisibility. Once a spell has been cast from the cloak, that spell can't be cast from it again until the next dawn.

Nimble. While wearing the cloak, you gain a climbing speed of 30 feet, you can move through spaces as narrow as 1 foot wide without squeezing, and you have advantage on saving throws against traps and other environmental hazards.

Present. As an action while wearing the cloak, you can flourish the cloak and draw an object from it using a free hand. The object can be any mundane item of your choice from the Adventuring Gear section of the Basic Rules worth no more than 5 gp. If the item is in any way sold or traded for a good or service, it immediately turns to a lump of sulfurous coal. The object remains for 24 hours or until you use this property again. When you remove an object from the cloak in this way, you can choose for it to be plain or wrapped in decorative tissue paper, which magically disappears in a plume of glittering snow after unwrapping. Alternatively, you can use an action to magically wrap an object you're holding with the decorative tissue paper.

Spirit of Giving. When you give a wrapped item to another creature that suggests an understanding of the other creature's needs, the GM can grant you a special die, called a Giving Die, which is a d12. You can roll this d12 and add it to the total of any ability check or saving throw you make (before the GM determines if the roll succeeds or fails), at which point the die is lost. The Giving Die remains until you finish a long rest or until it's lost in this way. Once you gain a Giving Die, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. If the given item was created by the Present property, it remains indefinitely or until it's sold or traded, at which point it turns into a lump of coal.

There's only ever one Keeper—just one—but what their mantle represents is far greater. It is warmth in the darkest days, hope for the needy, succor for the downtrodden, and faith to ring in brighter times. So we mark the season's bounties with their name, that those gifts become a part of something great, something good, and something kind.

For those who see through it as they age and learn the nature of the ruse, that meaning only grows. They know it's something spread at first by only one, now paid forward by everyone—including themselves.

And for the few who meet the real Keeper in their time of greatest need, they know best how much truth the ruse has always held.

—Excerpt from An Account of the Seasons' Legends



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