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Wondrous item, very rare

This large hunk of amber holds a magic seed at its center. From the seed grows a twisting vine, which turns to stone as soon as it leaves the amber.

While holding the amber, you can speak its command word using an action to cast the flesh to stone spell from it (save DC 15). This version of the spell only affects plants, despite not being made of flesh, including nonmagical plants that aren't creatures. Each time the spell is cast, roll a d20. On a 1, the amber shatters and is destroyed, at which point you must then succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be petrified. Regardless of the result of your saving throw, the seed falls to the ground at your feet and magically plants itself. The seed grows into a stone treant after 7 days have passed: it has the statistics of a normal treant, except that it's vulnerable to thunder damage instead of fire damage, and it has resistance to slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage. If the treant is destroyed, there is a 50 percent chance that a new stoneseed amber is found at its center.

"This stone garden is fantastic! You must tell me your secret!"

"That would be Louis. He was our gardener."

"Is he available for hire? Where can I find him?"

"Do you remember the gnomish statue at the garden entrance...?"



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