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Weapon, rare

You can make a ranged weapon attack with these bolas against a Large or smaller target, treating them as if they were a sling. When you do, you throw the bolas at the target; on a hit, the target takes the sling's weapon damage, and it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and entangled by the bolas. While entangled in this way, the target's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. The target remains entangled until it's freed. A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within reach on a success.

If the original target fails its save, other creatures within 5 feet of it must also succeed on the saving throw or be knocked prone and entangled, as the bolas grow additional lengths of chain to wrap around the creature's legs. Such a creature remains entangled until the end of its next turn or until it's freed, at which point the extra lengths of chain vanish. If the original target of the attack is freed, any other creature entangled by the bolas are released.

The bolas spun faster and faster in her readied hand, the wind hissing around them as she braced to throw. When she released them, they leapt out like vipers. Her aim was true—the guard captain toppled in an instant, followed closely after by his men as the chains slithered around them.

More charging guards tumbled over the entangled group, and she could only barely resist a victorious whoop as she herself slunk away, followed only by echoing curses.



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