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Wondrous item, common

This candle holder magically changes the light of burning candles into light that's ideal for plants. While a mundane candle is burning within the holder, the radius of its bright and dim light is doubled, and it loses only 1 minute of burn time for every 8 minutes it's lit. Plants grow twice as quickly as those in normal sunlight while they're within the light of a candle burning in the holder.

The winter months never slowed Auntie's toiling and growing. Beneath her cabin, her basement had become a lab of sorts: the walls were lined with pots and planters, small growing boxes stood on their own in neat rows, and meticulous notes and seeds were strewn across the shelves and tables. Radishes, carrots, greens and more were always in season here, and always ready to be picked for the night's dinner.

She went through a tremendous number of candles, though. Thin coils of smoke hung in the air like the planters themselves. Nevertheless, Auntie's cabin was always warm, well fed, and bathed in radiant candlelight.



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