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Rod, common

This wooden rod looks like the base of a simple ladder. While holding it, you can speak its command word using an action to cause a number of duplicate rods of your choice to appear, attached to the one you're holding. You must be holding the rod parallel to the ground; the rods attach in a vertical stack to create a ladder, starting from the rod you're holding. Each duplicate rod increases the height of the ladder by 1 foot, up to a maximum height of 20 feet. If this causes the ladder to hit another creature or object, it immediately stops short of that height. Each rod weighs 1 pound.

While holding one of the rods, you can use an action to speak its command word again to cause every other attached rod to magically disappear, leaving you with a single rod again.

"Oy! Throw me that ladder!"




The card cuts off some of it's text