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Ring, very rare (requires attunement)

This dark silver ring is always cold to the touch. The gemstone set in it is made of dagger ice: a magical ice fragment from the Everglacier. While wearing the ring, you have resistance to cold damage.

Rays of Frost. While wearing the ring, you can use an action to cast the ray of frost spell from it, using a spell attack bonus of +8. This version of the spell creates four rays, instead of one. Each ray can target the same or different targets. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray; on a hit, the target suffers the effects of the ray of frost spell as normal. If two rays hit the same target, the target's speed is reduced by half, instead of 10 feet (whichever is greater). If all four rays hit the same target, its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn.

A cold worse than fire. A blade worse than the sharpest knife. The ice of the Everglacier bites deep, and never really lets you go.




Do the damage dice increase with character level like the regular spell or stay at one die? If they increase and there's no restriction on how often this can be used it would be crazy overpowered. Still a really cool idea!

Raymond Truong

Even if it's still 1d8, no limit on how often you can use it still makes this crazy strong. 4d8 is the equivalent of casting at 17th level. It's a really cool item though


I really like this. 4d8 is 18 damage on average - at 17th level, that can only be described as "better than nothing," i.e. a fallback option. If a high-level full-caster is falling back to that, they're either at the end of a very grueling adventuring day, are using Gritty Realism, or something has gone terribly wrong. However, this ring would be an excellent option for non-casters at mid levels, it brings some much needed versatility.