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Weapon (dagger), rare

The blade of this hooked dagger is designed in the likeness of a fish head, and its handle is made using a lashed-together fish skeleton. A pearl sits in the blade as an opaque eye. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with his magic weapon. When you make an attack roll against a creature that's underwater, the bonus increases to +3.

When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this weapon against an underwater creature, a swarm of quippers magically appears in the target's space. The swarm takes its turn immediately after yours. On its turn, the swarm only attacks the target creature; it gains a +3 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. The quippers remain for 1 minute, until another swarm of quippers appear in this way, or until the target is slain, at which point they disperse and vanish.

A thousand cuts may fell a giant,

a thousand teeth a kraken slay.

Now bearing swarm and blade together,

all currents draw me to my prey.



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