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Wondrous item, very rare

This visor is a strange device from a far-flung age and can sometimes be found in the lairs of sphinxes that have traveled through time. The visor is made of pitch-dark glass that can be seen through from only one side.

While wearing the visor, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing the visor increases its range by 60 feet. Glowing, eye-like illusions appear on the front of the visor while you wear it, duplicating the expression you make with your actual eyes.

The visor runs on a power source that's fueled by magic. The visor can be used for up to 8 hours before the power source is empty. Deduct the time you use it in increments of 10 minutes from the power source's total time. You know how much remaining time the source has while holding the visor. Any creature can use an action to expend a spell slot level of 1st level or higher into the power source, adding to its total remaining time, by touching the visor as the spell slot is expended. The power source regains a number of hours of power equal to the spell slot level that was expended into it. When found, the visor has 1d6 + 2 hours of power remaining, and it can't have more than 8 hours at a time.

Three Buttons. While wearing the visor, you can press one of the buttons on its side using a bonus action to grant you a unique effect. Each effect lasts for 10 minutes, ending early if you remove the visor. Each effect deducts a number of hours from the visor's remaining time, as described below.

If you press button 1, you can use an action for the duration of the effect to fire a beam of energy from the visor's eyes. Each time you do, 1 hour is deducted from the visor. Make a ranged spell attack for the beam, which has a range of 60 feet, using a spell attack bonus of +8. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 lightning damage.

If you press button 2, 3 hours of power are deducted, and you gain blindsight out to a range of 60 feet.

If you press button 3, 5 hours of power are deducted, and you gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet.

Mender heard the door open, followed by a set of familiar, excitable footsteps. Without looking, he said, "Ah, you're back. Desert again?"

"Yessir! This time, it was a live one!"

Mender's eyes snapped up, locking on the boy and the strange black glass in his hand.


"Well… for a bit. This thing was covering the top part of his head and he was bleeding something fierce, but he looked at me with those glowing eyes—"

"Weren't he wearin' these like spectacles, ye said? How's anything glowin' through this?"

"Couldn't say, but I promise you it's true! Anyway, he said he was gonna hack me!"

"Hack? Like, hack at ye wi' a sword? Did he have another o' those?"

"Nope, but I couldn't ignore a threat like that so I ran behind a rock. Then there was a bright flash, and he was gone but these were still there!"

Mender took the glass and held it over his eyes. The room darkened before it snapping back into uncanny focus—especially the boy, his mouth now hanging open.

"Lemme guess, lad: glowin' eyes?"


Mender grinned, "Well, fer hazard pay and bringin' one back charged, ye've earned four times goin' rate. Now: out! Before I realize my heart's gone soft!"



Giant Tom Hanks

This might be one of the coolest items yet

Ogo Sylla

I love this so much, from the design to the effect! Fantastic as always