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Hey heroes!

I recently got to make even more bonus content for my friends at Worlds Beyond Number

If you haven't already heard of the podcast, or didn't see the last time I worked with them, it's a live-play game played by an all-star cast—Aabria Iyengar, Erika Ishii, and Lou Wilson—and led by the one and only Brennan Lee Mulligan. Their campaigns are continuing to build steam, and the world building is so, so beloved.

The art and cards, attached below, are two pivotal items from the ongoing campaign: Wavebreaker and telemet. They were fun to make!

You can (and should) listen to the podcast, if you haven't already started! It's available right now on Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts:



Apple Podcasts

And if you want to support the effort and talent that goes into the podcast, too (I do!), consider supporting them on Patreon for bonus content (like this!) and exclusive episodes of Fireside: the crew's post-show discussion podcast. It's a great community and product of love with people you can't help but smile when you listen to.

Hop over to the Worlds Beyond Number Patreon:

These items exist outside of the Saddlebag's collection of items, so you get exclusive copies of their statistics, art files, and cards here as patrons! Thank you so much for the support! If you also become a patron of Worlds Beyond Number, you'll see these there on their campaign page, too!

Keep on adventuring, heroes!



Sam A.

Omg Wavebreaker is GORGEOUS, stellar work as always! Loving this continued collaboration!