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Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This golden ring resembles a stylized lion holding a marble in its fanged mouth. While wearing the ring, you have advantage on ability checks made to interact with beasts. In addition, you can use an action to cast the animal messenger spell from the ring; you can't do so again until the next dawn.

If you are attuned to this ring and two other items with "ringmaster's" in their names, this ring gains the following benefit: whenever you use a figurine of wondrous power while wearing the ring, the number of days that have to pass before it can be used again is halved (rounded up).

The performers came and went, one by one, and though they were all spectacular, you couldn't help but sense the audience's anticipation for the ringmaster's final act.

Of course, like all great showmen, he wouldn't leave without a grand finale.

The curtains peeled back for the last time, and there he was. He turned his head upward to face the beaming crowd. With a perfect smile, he said to them, "My wonderful guests, thank you for joining me tonight. I leave you with one final treat—a spectacle like none other to behold." As he finished the sentence, his voice began to swell and echo once more, as tension began to rise.

He removed his hat with one hand, unclasped his cape with the other, and in a marvelous flourish, tossed them both aside and shouted, "BEHOLD, THE RINGMASTER'S REVELRY!"

From his hands flew miniature, polished sculptures. As they landed, they erupted into a spectacular display of light and arcane ozone, transforming into veritable menagerie of magnificent creatures. Each one pranced and leapt in a series of flawless acrobatic maneuvers at the mustachioed man's behest, and paraded in a glorious sequence to the crowd's delight.

From the center of the beasts, the ringmaster gave a final, deep bow. "Good night, everyone! I can't wait to see you all again," he shouted, as each of the creatures pranced past him backstage after a final tour. He followed lastly, of course, and as the curtains began to fall, he said "—the next time the circus is back in town!"



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