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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This cape flows dramatically behind you when you move. While wearing it, you gain a +1 bonus to any Charisma check you make, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

While wearing the cape, you can use your reaction while falling mid-air (such as after a jump or when falling from a great height) to immediately jump again, as if you had made a standing jump. When you do, your initial fall is harmlessly stopped as part of the new leap. Once you've used this property of the cape, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

"Now, do you know why this is called the Highwire of Death?"

One foot slid out, inline from the other. His already precarious balance wobbled dangerously.

"It's because—"

His legs shuddered and twisted, hips and chest all moving in opposition to one another.

"Ehem, as I was saying: it's because each one of the Greats who came before me all fell—" another, more vicious wobble— "on this... very... wire."

He gathered himself, now all the way at the line's middle point, and when the audience's breath was held most tightly.

Then he ran, his scarlet cape billowing behind him, all the way up the incline of the sagging wire as if it were an average floorboard. Nearly there, he leapt! ...and missed by a full ten feet.

The crowd shrieked and gasped, unable to contain their breath any longer, as they watched the tangle of flailing limbs and blur of red tumble. At the last moment, just before the ill-omen of the spectacle's namesake came to bare, the falling man leapt once more, midair, with a spectacular flourish. The terror resolved into cheers as the mustachioed man popped safely onto his feet, inches above the sand.

"I still have yet to make it across," he said to the crowd. With a perfectly sly smile, he took a deep bow to tremendous applause.




Hilarious flavor text. Keep it up!


Funnily enough, it's almost a full on Char Aznable/Zeon cape. I dig it!