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Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

This tarnished ring is thick and has the texture of over-taut skin. Whenever you charm a creature while wearing this ring, that creature's face appears on the surface, seemingly pulled upward from within. The face is always locked in a panicked, wailing expression. The face remains for the duration of the charm, during which time you can speak into the ring. If you're on the same plane of existence as the charmed creature, it then hears your voice telepathically, allowing you to communicate with it from afar.

If you charm multiple creatures while wearing the ring, you choose which face appears on the ring each time you charm a new creature. You can change this choice as a bonus action, thereby allowing you to speak telepathically to a different charmed creature.

Alternatively, you can use an action to pinch the face on the ring, causing it to disappear. When you do, that creature takes 1d10 psychic damage and is no longer charmed.

In a shadowed wood where moonlight gleams,

there dwells a hag with wretched dreams.

She wears a ring, of faces in dread,

charming souls, like puppets led.

With words of guile, the children delight,

enchanted kin, their fear despite.

And once she's done, she sets them free,

a pinch of pain, their face unseen.



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