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Wondrous item, uncommon

This pipe is carved in the shape of a wooden mermaid holding a silver pitcher. You can smoke the pipe as normal using pipe tobacco. When you do, smoke pours from the pitcher before eventually rising. When the pitcher is filled with water, such as when it's submerged, it produces bubbles with each puff; you can breathe underwater through the pipe for as long as you smoke it in this way.

Sirens favored these docks for the number of fishermen they could lure. Every day, someone else turned up missing. What was once a thriving port grew barren.

One day, an enchantress came to town bearing a clutch of magical pipes. She sat by the docks and sold her wares for a pittance. Sure enough: with every new sale, her sisters in the water would sing out, and each pipe's new owner would happily walk into their waiting, hungering arms below the depths.

The townsfolk never could figure out how she sold so many pipes, but never ran out.



Giant Tom Hanks

Another awesome pipe to add to the collection