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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This half-mask remains securely on your face thanks to its full-width diadem, which extends from the mask around the rest of your brow. It functions as a hat of disguise. When you use an action to cast the disguise self spell from the mask, you can choose to appear identical to another creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. When you do, you can appear up to 3 feet shorter or taller to match the target's height.

Twin Sense. For the duration of this version of the spell, you gain the following benefits:

  • You always know the general direction and distance of the other creature from you.
  • When the other creature makes an attack against a target, you gain advantage on the first attack roll you make against the same target before the start of the other creature's next turn.
  • You can use an action to see through the creature's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn. If the creature is unwilling, it first makes an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a success, it's magically made aware of this effect—though not of you or its source—and the spell and effect ends. If a creature is immune to divination magic or is under the effects of a spell or magical effect that prevents such magic, you see and hear nothing from the creature's senses, and it automatically succeeds on the saving throw.
  • The spell ends early if you're more than 1 mile away from the other creature.

Barbin had never been inside an estate this large before, let alone in an event as grand as this. But the noble wanted to know who had been stealing their secrets, and as such, both his and Mina's presence was needed.

Mina, looking more elegant than ever, wore a half-face masque and milled about while her scruffy companion kept watch. She soon found her mark: a red-haired woman who spoke with a silver tongue. Sequestering herself in a shadowed corner, Mina donned a magical glamor, disguising herself as the mysterious woman. Once her double would walk away, she'd swoop in to keep the conversation going and uncover what had already been said.

When the socialite left the conversation, and as Mina prepared to step back out into the crowd, the woman hugged the wall and hurried, unknowingly, directly toward Mina's safe harbor. Mina was trapped, and could only watch in panic as the mysterious red-haired woman turned to join her—

"Oh," said the woman, reflexively. She quickly caught her balance, composure, and, a moment later, a look at Mina's disguise. She smiled warmly and spoke.

"Well, well, well. Looks like great minds think..." her appearance began to change, becoming red-skinned with curling horns. Her smile turned pointed. "...and look alike."

Raikya then leaned further into the corner, putting a hand on the wall beside Mina's head. "I think we should talk."



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