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Scroll, very rare

You can use an action to read this gilded scroll. To do so, you must also be holding a magic item that requires attunement but with which you're not attuned. When you do, make an Intelligence (Arcana) check. The DC of this check depends on the rarity of the held magic item: 10 (common), 13 (uncommon), 15 (rare), or 16 (very rare). On a success, you forge a brief attunement to the magic item, which remains for 1 hour or until you're reduced to 0 hit points. You can attune to an item in this way even if you normally wouldn't meet its attunement requirements, and becoming attuned to it doesn't end any other creature's attunement to it. Your attunement to this item does not count toward the total number of items you can normally be attuned to. The scroll then self-immolates in a sparkle of blue flames and is destroyed. If you fail the check to attune to an item in this way, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance that the scroll self-immolates. Otherwise, you can attempt to use the scroll to attune to the item using another action.

The check automatically fails if you attempt to attune to a legendary magic item, a cursed one, or an artifact using the scroll.

"It's truly a shame she's gone, now. If only that staff had been yours, her fragility may not have damned you."

The vampiric prince lounged back on his throne, releasing the mage's body and grinning down on the last of the adventuring crew. A thief, her blades might be a proper threat to the living. Not to him.

She knew she had nothing. She'd been nothing before meeting the party, and now… with the cleric had gone her resilience, with the fighter her courage, with the paladin her faith, and with the mage… her everything. Now she would die, her love's blood pooling around the solar staff, nothing to her name again but her fear and the few material gifts she'd taken from her friends. Even the mage's last favor to her couldn't aid her, the scroll only serving to remind her of the bonds she'd lost.

And how such bonds could be formed again.

She rose, the vampire's grin souring at the inert staff in her hand as he said, "And now you cling to her trinkets. Give up, and die with the same dignity she had."

"She's… she's not gone."


"She's not gone...until the rest of her light fades. And with this, she can live on a little longer."

He noticed the palmed scroll too late to stop her, its words spoken as it bled away in azure sparks.

And the staff blazed forth its sunlight.



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