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Hey adventurers! Thanks for casting your votes this week!

The Dune Duster's art and card files are now public and considered OGL content*! Grab them with the links below or on the Ledger+! Have fun with them, and keep on adventuring!

Art and Cards

New item comes out tomorrow! See you there!


* All items in the Free tag are considered OGL content. Credit must be given to The Griffon's Saddlebag when used, including The Griffon's Saddlebag in the Open Gaming License included with your content, and any item's art or description cannot be altered or separated when you do. You may not use this content in any published works on DMsGuild, DriveThruRPG, or similar site, as their terms of service allow them to seize ownership of this content from the Saddlebag.

Hey adventurers! Happy Saddleday!

As part of the weekly cycle of items, you get to vote for an item's art and cards to be made free for everyone. Some items may already be free, which accounts for any missing entries you may see in the poll.

Freeable items

Patrons can submit, workshop, and nominate item ideas to be made through the community Discord!

If you're already a patron: thank you for your support! If you're not, enjoy the free content, and be sure to hit the Follow button on the Overview page to know when free content is made available!

Keep on adventuring!




I've never understood these polls... I pay for this subscription, I don't get these items for free. Why should I vote to see what items others get without paying for it? My vote is that if anyone wants anything here, they should have to pay for it.


if you're so upset about it cancel your sub. insane that you'd complain about a creator putting out free items.


I'm not upset about it, I just don't understand their work-model of asking paid subscribers (who already get the content) what content they should give away to people who are not paid subscribers. And my opinion - which they requested - is that they shouldn't give any of it away to people who don't subscribe. I certainly don't care which items they give away... it doesn't affect me.


Its called being a social being and not just thinking about yourself. Next to that, voting on cool items for non-subscribers to be released is good marketing for the patreon, which is by the way also why I subscribed. By voting you will help the creator and help them grow, which in turn gives them space to make more cool items. So even if your world is aaaaall about you, you will benefit from voting. That being said, I hope you can push yourself to have a bit of a wider vision on life...