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The dwarven metropolis of Direstone began originally as a joint excavation contract between three rival clans—the Emberhearts, the Thungrun, and the Darkhammers—in an attempt to avoid open conflict. Through shrewd diplomacy, the clans were able to remain peaceful and share the riches of the Stoneshield Range; thus, instead of one great mountain hall, there emerged three confederated clanholds, independent yet united by a shared economic interest. Together, the three founding families became known as the Direstone Triumvirate.
These three halls of stone, metal, and forgefire extend nearly a mile below the surface of the earth. Carved into the sides of the mountain halls are dozens of residential and commercial districts, each humming with the vibrant lives of their citizens; the bottom of the silos is reserved for the noble clanholds, from where the three founding families rule their kingdoms with honor and distinction. Connecting the mountain halls is the Grand Bazaar—or “Dunahrodir” in the Dwarvish language—where outsiders come to barter for the city’s eponymous commodity, direstone: a mineral prized for its universal alloy compatibility and natural strength. It is through the Grand Bazaar, via its interconnected stone highways, that one must pass into the city; magical lamps illuminate the crisscrossing archways, allowing even surface dwellers to see all the way to the bottom. Gargantuan, stern dwarven faces have been carved into the sides of the silos—their eyes are said to follow outsiders on the path down, and to meet their gaze directly is to invite a misstep.

Direstone is a three-part subterranean city of dwarven make. Its clanholds burrow deep underground in great, vertical silos, and meet in a shared space called the Grand Bazaar. Within the city are deep political schemes and ties that go back for generations. Explore the city's various silos, its people, and its political representatives to get ahead of this bustling spiderweb of mining, stonework, and more.

The subclass for this setting is the new Fighter archetype: the Shieldbearer! Use your shield to race to your allies' sides and defend them, or retaliate with powerful shield bashes! A shieldbearer's utmost goal is to defend their friends from harm while commanding the attention of their enemies! 

Speaking of the subclass, here's a reminder that we also have official subclass playtest sessions on the Discord! So please feel welcome to sign up for them and get early looks and hands-on time with them! As always, further revisions will be made here with published updates as they're released!

What's Included:

  • 17 pages of city details, politique, and events!
  • Play pivotal roles in up to three questlines to impact Direstone's future!
  • Bonus maps donated by Cze & Peku!
  • 8 new statblocks of cave-bound and dwarves creatures!
  • New Fighter archetype: the Shieldbearer! Defend your allies and bash your enemies with your mighty shield!


I was responsible for direction, design, and additional editing for this setting. However, this couldn't be possible without extra help. If you like this setting, consider supporting these other incredible creators:

John Webb — Writing

TheArenaGuy — Monster design, editing

Cze & Peku — Maps

Damien Mammoliti — Monster Art & Subclass illustration

Riccardo Piovan — Cover art

Jelke Ludolphij — Additional layout

This release is also made especially possible by the extra generosity of $13+ Legendary Heroes! Thank you all so much for you support, and be proud of your place in the end credits! You've earned it!




Very cool subclass. I think everyone's thought of playing a fighter that primarily uses shields like they're Captain America.


Definitely! I wanted to make sure that everyone could live out that fantasy in a more official capacity, and it was a lot of fun to do!

Alexander Eriksen

OMG YES! YOU ARE A HERO! I been looking forward to this setting since I saw the two items. Cant wait to read through this. Love your work, think I spent to much on your kickstarter to prove it xD

Alexander Eriksen

Gargantuan, stern dwarven faces have been carved into the sides of the silos— their eyes are said to follow outsiders on the path down, and to meet their gaze directly is to invite a misstep. I am defently going to make this so that any non-dwarf that do face these eyes need to roll a wisdom save. If they fail they are counting 5 and under on a d20 roll as a 1 for a day or two.


God this was worth the wait. The subclass is absolutely amazing, and I like that you added a familiar that fits the Lithic Warlock you posted before, which makes sense as the class is very fitting for the setting. My only problem is now I have to wait months for another setting x.x


I love the subclass, been searching for one for years and this is the first one that works with the system. Thank you so much.