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Wondrous item, uncommon or rare

A typical prized pet protector, an uncommon item, is a colorful bandana featuring swirling paisleys and various pet-themed designs. You can tie this bandana around the neck of a willing beast with a challenge rating of 1 or lower using an action. The bandana changes size to comfortably fit around the creature's neck and can't be removed against its will. When the beast is reduced to 0 hit points while wearing the bandana, but not killed outright, the creature is harmlessly shunted to a special demiplane. The creature reappears after 8 hours in an empty space within 10 feet of you with all its hit points. The bandana's magic then ceases to function until 2 days have passed.

The following prized pet protector is a rare variant with additional properties. It's made of fine silk, and its designs are embroidered with golden thread. A beast that wears it also gains a +2 bonus to saving throws.

If the beast wearing the bandana is a transformed humanoid or other creature, such as by the polymorph spell or similar magic, the bandana has no effect on it. The bandana can be worn over a collar.

The half-orc knelt down to the dog, petting him vigorously all while looking him over for any remaining signs of hurt or burnt fur. Finding nothing, he succumbed to the puppy-like enthusiasm of his companion and spoke, his voice lifting a full octave: "Hey Buddy, good to see you again! Aww, thank you for the kisses! I love you too!"

He shot a withering look at the robed mage nearby and stood up. "Delmond, don't you have something you want to tell them?" His voice had returned to normal, but deadly serious.

"Yeah, I do. I'm, uh... I'm sorry about that fireball, Bud."


"And it won't happen again."


"Ugh... And here's a treat and some ear scritches."




dang it, Delmond, it BETTER not happen again!