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Bards of this college see alchemy as a dance between the elements of the world. It’s not bound by the rules of chemistry, and while it can be learned through dedication and study, it can also be felt and intuited by those with a knack for it. Some of these bards go so far as to sing to their alchemical projects, convincing the elements within to simply become something else of their own volition. While most of the College of Alchemy are alchemists by trade, many others are brewers, cooks, or pharmacists. Regardless of their trades, these unusual alchemical savants bend music, magic, and the elements to their will to convert one to another in seamless harmony.

  • Become a savant with alchemical tools, or even brewer's supplies or cook's utensils!
  • Create special alchemist's fires that explode upon impact! You can even convert these explosives to use other elements to unique effect, like air, earth, or water!
  • Mix spellcraft with potion-making to share your magic on demand with your allies.

Since not all subclasses are tied to a specific setting in Saddlebag Year 5, consider the following pre-existing settings to align this with.

  • Antronec
  • Cards and Caravans
  • Feasts, Festivals, and Taverns
  • Orostead

Want to see what's next and join the playtesting sessions? Join the Discord to sign up for them each month!

As always, further revisions will be made here with published updates as they're released, as needed.


I was responsible for direction, design, and additional editing for this setting. However, this couldn't be possible without extra help. If you like this setting, consider supporting these other incredible creators:

TheArenaGuy — Editing

Damien Mammoliti — Subclass illustration

And all the passionate playtesters!

This release is also made especially possible by the extra generosity of $13+ Legendary Heroes! Thank you all so much for you support, and be proud of your place in the end credits! You've earned it!



Asher Meyer

This is super cool and my group is super excited! However, in the 14th level ability, it states “If you create a second spell potion while you still have one, the first potion doesn’t vanish from its container, but it does if you create a third.” There isn’t anything in the 6th level ability that states if you create a second one, the first vanishes. Just from an editing POV, it caught my attention and could warrant stating in the 6th level ability as well? Amazing work!

Asher Meyer

Oh god I need to change my name on here, deadnaming myself super hard


Love the concept, but not sure how good this subclass would be purely from the standpoint of having to buy a lot of vials to keep on using Bardic fire; I'd assume it would be hard to find many of them, especially when in the harsh wilds. Kind of puts a hard limit on the subclass' main feature.


I suppose it's the same as arrows. I don't have my players count, unless they're special, and I just have them evaporate a couple of coins when they hit a big town.


Hey! The final paragraph of the 6th level feature says that you lose the spell potion if you use the feature again. So it goes from once at a time at 6th level to twice at a time at 14th level. :)

michael merchant jr

I'm sorry, But bard is the absolute last class that comes to mind when I think of the word Alchemist; perhaps Ranger or Rogue would have been a better choice.( I'm currently working on a bomb making fighter archetype myself)


I mean, what's the difference between a mixologist and an alchemist, really?


It's just a different means of expressing creativity with a magical bend! Some people use recipes to cook, while others just wing it! Same difference here. :)