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Wondrous item, rare

This warhorn is made from the tip of a bronze dragon's horn and decorated with an elaborate, draconic maw at its end. You can use an action to blow the horn and release an ear-splitting roar that is audible 600 feet away. When this happens, you can choose to cause the horn to release one of the draconic breaths from the options below:

Lightning Breath. The horn releases a wave of electrified power in a 30-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Repulsion Breath. The horn releases a wave of repelling force in a 30-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is pushed up to 30 feet away from you.

Once a breath has been used, that breath can't be used again until the next dawn.

"And so you see, foolish heroes, that is why you'll never be able to truly defea—"


"Okay, you gotta let me finish this monologue. I've practiced it and everything."
