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Wondrous item, common

This wooden pipe's bowl is carved in the shape of a flower blossom and dipped in a perfumed wax. Smoking the pipe while there isn't anything packed into the bowl creates an aromatic plume of pollen, which lazily drifts from the pipe's bowl. Any flower that's within 10 feet of the pipe blooms and turns toward it while the pipe is being smoked in this way.

Auntie had given up adventuring for gardening. Her once red knives were now green from pruning errant buds and stubborn vines. The old pipe she kept at her side was no longer needed to ease her nerves, though. Her days were serene and calm as she worked and wandered the rows of brilliantly colored petals, but it was clear she missed the habit.

With the new season on the way, we set to work on a new pipe for her to celebrate. It was grand to watch her puff on it and see her scarred lips turned upward as the flora, for once, give her their undivided attention in return.




Perfect! My players are headed to the Feywild and this is just the sort of thing Titania would give them for doing her a teensy favor.