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Wondrous item, rare

A wand that's left in this wooden device for 8 consecutive hours regains 2d4 expended charges the next time it would normally regain charges within 24 hours. This 2d4 replaces the normal number of charges the wand regains each day. If a wand doesn't regain charges daily at dawn, dusk, or a similar time, this item has no effect on the wand. An artifact can't benefit from this item. Only one wand can be in the charging station at a time.

If you roll a 4 on both d4s, the wand's maximum number of charges increases by 1 for 24 hours. For example, if a wand of fireballs is placed in the charging station and you roll a 4 on both dice to regain its expended charges, the wand begins the day with a total of 8 charges, instead of its normal 7.

If having an extra charge would potentially allow you to cast a spell from the wand at a level higher than 9th, the spell can nevertheless not exceed 9th level.

It's curious, this gaudy device. I've worked with wands so long I thought of them like any other tool, but… this goes strangely against that. Through support, rest, and caring inaction—rather than some great arcane exertion—it allows a wand to truly meet its best, even exceed it.

Maybe we should take a lesson from this. Or perhaps I read into it too much.

—Wist, journeyman wandmage



Nix Nyte

lol, new Apple device

Ryan Rogers

Renamed in my campaign to Gnomish Wand Gizmonotron. ;-)