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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Foamtastic Bathbombs  — These small bathbombs are packed with magical bath salts. When added to a tub of water it dissolves and heats the water to a comfortable level and adds a layer of bubbles. For 1 hour, creatures can spend 10 minutes in the bath to gain various benefits such as: resistance to psychic damage, making an extra attack with a weapon once, gaining temporary hit points.

2)  Battlebrew Bomb — A fist-sized barrel filled with volatile alcohol. It shatters upon impact when thrown and explodes, coating nearby creatures with the unstable liquid. If a coated creature takes fire damage, they erupt into flame.

3)  Gravity Grapes — Magical grapes found in the Astral plane. Consuming a grape subjects you to one of two random effects: you either float weightlessly upward or your weight is multiplied and nearly immobilized.

4)  Frefil's Wonderful Wrigglers — Magical gummy worms that allow you to teleport short distances upon eating. Eating multiple worms within a day may cause their effects to fail, causing you to take force damage when that happens.

5)  Reverie Council's Summons — A single-use diadem that can create a meeting space within a dream realm for up to 8 creatures, which can be joined belatedly if the creature later falls asleep. Creatures within the dream gain a variety of bonuses.

6)  Necklace of Smoke — A necklace of smoky glass beads that can be plucked from the strand and crushed or thrown. A target of a bead is teleported to a location of their choice nearby. If the target is unwilling, its teleported to a random space instead.

7)  Spool of Shadow — A velvety-soft spool of deep, dark thread. You can use the thread to repair or enhance clothing, as normal. If you're proficient with Weaver's tools, you can use the thread to grant Stealth bonuses for a limited time afterward.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



Any chance to get them all made? What a fantastic set of ideas. The bathbombs would be perfect for my players who just picked up a manor in Waterdeep, the Spool of Shadow sounds amazing and I love items that make tool choices useful in 5e, the Reverie Council's Summons would be cool for one of my players in another game that's an Aberrant Mind sorceror, and the Battlebrew Bomb is an amazing item to enhance combat for those casters with firebolt.

Ketsueki - Xavier

Man i love the idea of the gravity grapes. It's a nerfed levitate vs graviturgy. I think i'll make it in my game even if it doesn't get made lol


Submissions stay in the nomination pool until they're made! If something isn't made, there's always a chance for it to come back for another vote!