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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Skill Check  — This check can be signed to gain assistance with an ability check in exchange for gold, causing a spectral tradesman appears to perform the task.

2)  Pouch of Fallen Leaves  — A pouch of dried leaves that can be spread out to create an irresistible pile that forces creatures to succeed on saving throw or be forced to use their movement to jump in.

3)  Archer's Gauntlet  — A blue crystal embedded in a gauntlet that can summon a longbow of raw energy in a free hand. It has charges to increase its damage, gives you a teleporting reaction, and a special line attack.

4)  Claws of Royal Fury  — Fashioned from the remains of a dire bear, these gauntlets enhance your unarmed strikes and increase the critical hit range for barbarians that use Reckless Attacks, which also reduces the target’s speed and inflicts a continuous bleeding wound.

5)  Vagabonds' Fortress  — Plate armor that is formed from tiny stone blocks with crenellated towers on the shoulders. You can speak one of the armor's two command words to either increase your AC at the cost of movement or transform into a fortress gaining benefits such as: temporary hit points, immunity to the prone condition, and increased reach with melee weapons.

6)  Peashooter Pod  — Small peapod that contains 1d4 + 1 peas. You can plant a pea in the soil to rapidly grow it into a full sized plant that uses the statistics of an awakened shrub. At your command, the shrub can make ranged attacks against targets within 60 feet of it for 24 hours.

7)  Heart-seeking Bow  — A beautiful gilded bow fashioned after a deity of wisdom and medicine. When you hit a creature you can expend charges to mark them, causing the marked target to take damage whenever you make an attack even if you attack another target.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



I'ma go ahead and say that that Archer's Gauntlet sounds sick.