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Wondrous item, rare

A gilded ticket is a small strip of paper that's outlined with gold leaf. You can use an action to write in a destination along a blank line on the bottom of the paper. Once a destination has been written into the space, it can't be removed.

Once a destination is written on the ticket, you can use an action to speak its command word (typically written somewhere on the paper) to cast the teleport spell from it. When you do, the target of the teleportation spell is the same as the destination written on the ticket. This version of the spell allows you to teleport as if you were very familiar with the destination, even if you aren't. The ticket then bursts into golden confetti and is destroyed.

"Geez, how many of those are you going to eat? You know it's going to give you an upset stomach, right?"

"Haven't you heard? Frefil is having a contest! Some of these have magic tickets inside of them that take you to her workshop!"



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