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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The folds of this robe are virtually undetectable, as any light that touches it is mysteriously absorbed. Whenever you take radiant damage while wearing this cloak, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 1d10 + 10. If you have the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, you are unaffected by that trait while wearing the robe.

In addition, you can use an action to cast either the pass without trace or unseen servant spell from the robe while wearing it. The unseen servant created by the robe appears as a shadowy figure in dim and bright light, but is invisible in darkness. The servant remains for the duration of the spell or until it's reduced to 0 hit points. If the servant is destroyed, the robe can't be used to cast the spell again until the next dusk. Once the robe is used to cast pass without trace, it can't do so again until the next dusk. Any spell cast from the robe ends early if you remove the robe.

Aith Wren was most comfortable when unobtrusive. Few noticed the drow's slight form in the inn's darkest corner, shade rising to shroud her even as it took the edge off the sunlight pouring through the windows.

Someday she'd build the courage to meet the surface folk; for now, she was content overhearing their simple woes, so different from those of her subterranean kin.




Is this also meant to interact with sunlight hypersensitivity? Like if you have it to a vampire