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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this dark silver circlet in dim light or darkness, a smoky mantle of shadow covers your head like a dark hood. While covered in this way, you can move through creatures as if they were difficult terrain, regardless of their size, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. If you end your turn in another creature's space, you are shunted to the last unoccupied space you occupied, and you take 1d10 force damage.

Wraith's Ensemble. Dying doesn’t end your attunement to this magic item. In addition, if you’re attuned to three items with this named property, you treat bright light (but not sunlight) as if it were dim light or darkness for the purposes of the items’ various properties, and you can use a bonus action to reveal or suppress one or more of the items’ visual effects. While an item’s visual effects are suppressed, you don’t gain the benefits of that item’s other properties.

Lian stepped into the cave, torch held as a shield against the dark. His order had sent him after the lair of a nameless specter; hardly a mission for a newly-titled paladin, but times being what they were….

Just as the outside sunlight faded behind him, his torch was doused by a blast of cold air. He fumbled with the torch briefly before opting to drop it entirely, clutching his sword in both hands instead. The shadows deepened in front of him, but he tread bravely forward all the same. As the chill of death ran down his spine, like a foot treading on his grave, the dark gave way to reveal a distant point of cool, arcane light.

Pushing himself toward the light, Lian came at last to an open chamber filled with empty scroll shelves around a weathered desk. At its center lay a letter, its ink still fresh as he read its contents.

At the entrance to the room, an unnoticed patch of shadow detached itself from the rest and moved silently toward the mouth of the cave. As the sunlight touched the shadowed form, it revealed itself to be a man like any other, crowned with a simple, silver circlet. He hoped his words rang true to the young invader, and prayed that their paths wouldn't come to cross again.




I'm excited to see other Wraith's ensemble items. This one is giving me ideas of an antagonist that uses all three


Absolutely love this. Our psi warrior fighter plays their character with an undead twist, making this series VERY interesting indeed!