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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a creature missing an eye)

This rubbery prosthetic eye has a dark polyhedral die at its center, as if it were a pupil. When found, the die has 20 sides. The following properties of the eye can be used even if you aren't attuned to it:

  • If you're missing an eye, you can use an action to place the prosthetic in the empty socket. While it's in your eye socket, it can't be removed unless you're willing, and you can see through it as if it were a normal eye.
  • You can use an action to speak the eye's command word to change the number of sides on the die at its center. The eye must be in your socket or hand in order to use this property.
  • Whether it's in your socket or your hand, you can shake the prosthetic to cause the die at its center to roll around and reveal a random number, allowing it to be used as part of a gaming set. If you're attuned to the eye, you also have advantage on ability checks related to gaming sets that involve dice.

While you're attuned to the eye, the die at its center can be used to change elements of your fate, often to chaotic results. When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw while the eye is in your socket, you can choose to reroll the d20. You must use the new result. You make this decision after seeing the result of the initial roll, but before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Each time you use this property, there is a cumulative 50 percent chance that you can't use it again until the next dawn.

The eye releases a burst of chaotic magic each time you use it to reroll a d20. When it does, roll a d10 and consult the table below to determine what additional effects occur. If an effect specifies a duration of a number of rounds, the effect ends at the start of your turn on the round that it would end.

At last, the sentries had the malefactor surrounded. Their sergeant stepped forward, voice dripping smug malice as he said,

"No escape this time, eh? Nobody makes a fool of the boss for long, but if you just come quietly, I'm sure—"

As he reached out, the figure simply rolled their eyes, light shining from a bizarre, hexagonal iris. The sergeant knew his grab should've connected, but met only air as reality seemed to twist to keep them from his grasp.

And, as the air filled with the sound of clattering dice, he knew that the world was about to be knocked askew.



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