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Psst! Downloads are at the bottom!

This NPC is a wink and nod at an unfortunate misprint across the first run of Book One: an error introduced after I sent the final files during the preprinting stage of production. If you look at your book on page 61, you'll notice that the label for fable's end has "ind fonts" stuck in the middle of it. To the best of everyone's collective guesses, this was probably a random error that came up during InDesign's export process.

Regardless, it won't be in the second printing, for sure.

Instead of resigning myself to just grimace and get annoyed about it forever and ever, I revived the NPC card format and reached out to Fabian, the character artist whom you may recognize as the person who does the subclass art for the Saddlebag's settings and Book One's character options. Together, we gave this silly misprint a life of its own: someone we hope that you and GMs everywhere can feel free to interject into your games for some comic relief and unexpected hijinks.

Anyway, thank you all for the support, as always!. Without further ado, I'd like you to meet my good friend: Ind Fonts!

Ind Fonts
Goblin fool, wanderer, friend, rogue: chaotic good.

Personality Traits. Ind Fonts is silly, harmless, and disarmingly sincere. He remains oblivious that people may treat him differently because of his goblin heritage, and as a result will happily wander wherever his well-worn feet will take him each day.

Ideals. Friends are nice! So are long walks.

Fears. Ind doesn’t have the awareness to intuit when something should be scary, but he dislikes yelling.

Quirks. He has an uncanny knack for appearing in dangerous or inopportune situations without knowing what’s at stake: often at the risk of his own peril.

Secret. Ind Fonts once signed a book that he assumed was for guest names, but was actually a formal ledger. He feels bad about it to this day.

d6 Magic item

1 Immovable Button

2 Frefil’s Jolly Oozebean Sugarbombs

3 Socks of the Well-Rested

4 Fable’s End

5 Purse Piglet

6 The Griffon’s Saddlebag



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