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Wondrous item, uncommon

This magic book has only the basic outline of a humanoid drawn on each of its pages. When found, the book has 2d6 + 8 remaining pages inside. If you spend at least 10 minutes drawing a detailed set of clothes on the outlined humanoid, the page becomes charged with magic. A creature holding a torn-out sheet of charged paper can use its action to speak the book's command phrase, causing the drawn clothes to either magically appear on its body or transform any similar, overlapping garment it's already wearing to match the new appearance. The sheet of paper then turns to dust and is destroyed. If the creature isn't humanoid, the clothes fit as best they can as determined by the GM.

A transformed garment loses any magical or nonmagical property it may have until it returns to its normal form, unless that garment's function is completely unchanged by the new appearance. For example, a set of plate armor that's transformed into a leather vest would no longer grant any benefit to AC, but a chain shirt that's been transformed to match the ones worn by the royal guard still would.

The drawn clothes and transformed garments remain for up to 4 hours but magically disappear or return to their normal form if you remove them or use an action to speak the command phrase again. The drawn clothes are physical but offer no benefits to AC. Although the drawn clothes and transformed garments can duplicate the appearance of other magic clothes, they don't gain their magical properties.

"How is this our job, Oscar? We've never done anything like this!"

"We are two of the most promising new candidates for some time; it's not shocking we'd be assigned something like this."

"Yes, Oscar, but... a ball? That's not really my place. Besides, it's not like I've got anything to wear to it."

"I... think I might have something for that."

Holly raised an eybrow playfully.

"Hidden depths, Oscar? What've you got?"

Oscar reached into his satchel and pulled out a worn notebook, before flipping past a handful of pages to reach the design of a properly unique dress. Before Holly had time to react, he stumbled into his explanation.

"I replicated some components of the noblewoman's dress from the time we were out south to capture those bandits; you said you thought it was beautiful, but not practical to move in, so I left parts of it out. To fill in the rest, I used references from your normal adventuring gear to keep it functional. It took some ingenuity to match hand wraps into a formal gown and the spellcasting focus was difficult to work in, but I think..."

Oscar paused a moment in his rambling to look to his companion; he'd been avoiding doing so from sheer, rattling nerves.

The last thing he expected was tears. Just as he started to stutter out an apology, Holly pulled him into a tight hug, voice cracking a bit as she said, "I... I didn't know you were paying attention. It's wonderful."

Oscar tried to regain his composure as Holly let go, both blushing bright red. As he tore the drawing from the book and handed it to Holly, he managed to say, "So... I suppose you'll want to try it on?"



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