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Hey heroes!

Following the last few card-related polls [ 1, 2, 3 ] for Renowned Heroes and above, I'll be switching over to a new card design, as seen above, starting next week. It's an overdue change that, as shown by the results of those polls, will be better for the community's needs. They also, frankly, look nicer.

This change will be good for people who aren't familiar with how to fold the printed cards, or who have been wishing for the item illustration to be on the reverse side of the cards. This change also allows me to reduce the size of the text on printed cards and reduce the number of cards that need to be vertically folded.

Of course, if you prefer the previous design of the cards and are a $5+ patron, you can download the original card back image, as well as a photoshop template to make your own legacy cards, in this post. The digital versions of these new cards use a design that's very similar to the original card designs, but are now exported at higher resolutions. This will allow you to print these files at home and use with the original card backings to maintain a more consistent design across your existing and newer item cards.

Hope you enjoy the revised card designs! Keep on adventuring!




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