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Hey heroes! Thanks for the votes and comments yesterday! Let's make another item together!

These are loose item ideas using on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Chalk Divine Ceremonies — A glimmering piece of celestial chalk. You can use it to draw a magic circle on the ground over the course of 10 minutes. A creature standing on the circle can use it to cast a ritual spell they know without expending a spell slot. Alternatively, a creature can use an action to turn undead while standing there instead. After it's used, the circle fades.

Shooting Star — A longbow that glimmers with star light and glows dimly at night with inlaid pearlescent constellations. You can draw the bow to fire an arrow of bure starlight, dealing radiant damage on a hit. Alternatively, you can use charges to call down a shower of stars at a point you can see within the bow's normal range.

Planar Polyglot Post — A pearlescent earing made from the wing bone of a pegasus that's been enchanted to grant extraplanar knowledge. While wearing it, you can speak, read, and understand either Celestial, Elvish, or Sylvan.

Scroll of Intercession — A scroll kept in a glimmering glass case. You can use an action to read from it and beseech a higher power to come to your aid, rolling a d100. If the roll is equal to or less than your level, a deity or neutral power appears to fulfill the request to the best of their abilities. On a failure, the scroll reappears within the scroll and can't be used again until X days have passed.

Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week!


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