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Hey heroes!

I've been working on these card designs following our last poll using the feedback you provided to guide me. What I've done is:

For Print cards:

  • Separate the item art from the description for the print version.
  • Included some math up at the top to help you get (very nearly) that tarot size card you want.
  • I will shrink the text in instances where I can comfortably get it to fit on one card.
  • Clarified some of the instructions on the cutting instructions on the sides.

You can see how I've shrunk the text to fit on an unfolded print card for the Direstone wand, attached. You can also see how the text would work for longer and very long (read: artifact) cards. In cases of the very long ones, I don't include optional instructions to remove part of the folded card.

For Digital cards (and if you're against new card designs):

  • I've kept the digital version laid out the same as it has been with some smaller design updates.
  • If you like these, I'll be exporting them at the same resolution as I do the print ones. That means that if you don't want a dramatically different look for your cards going forward, use these digital versions to print out instead. I will include separate card files (again, if these are good to go) in a separate post to let you print out the old (or new) card backs separately. Again, to keep these more consistent with the original card designs
  • Not digital-specific, but I will also include in the afore-mentioned future post a working photoshop template so you can quickly make your own cards using the old designs, if that suits you better.

You can see the images below, or download them (more conveniently) at the bottom of the post in the attachments as usual.

So, heroes, take a look at the cards and let me know what you think! Do these look good to you and address your wants? If they don't, say so in the poll and leave a comment telling me what could be better! Again, if you're afraid of the change, read the Digital card section above first and see if that helps with your concerns!



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