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Hey heroes!

With the release of the Orostead setting, now is the time to look forward and decide what new setting and subclass pair should come next. Each time a new setting is released in this way, you can expect to see another poll just like this.

Each poll includes three options. The runner-up of the previous poll will stay, while the other two options will be different. There are a total of 12 setting/subclass pairs, so if your favored option doesn't come up now, you can expect to see it later!

1) The artisans' city of Antronec and the Bard College of Mercantile

Setting — A city filled with Guilds for artisans of all kinds, such as chefs, blacksmiths, cartographers, and more. At the center of it all is the Merchants' guild, who operate as ambassadors between the guilds while handling some of the more unsavory aspects of doing business. Comes with unique tables on building adventures and hooks between multiple guilds as they struggle for power.

Bard Subclass: College of Mercantile — A bard that uses coins as a spell focus and using its charisma to close deals and make the most of their money. Can use a coin to influence other creatures, understand them across languages, spy on them, and make a powerful spell attack by hurtling it at targets from afar.

2) Legendary food, taverns, and the Cleric Festus Domain

Setting — A series of legendary and unique taverns, as well as a lengthy array of rollable food and drink tables, designed to encourage your players to spend time around the (dinner) table with one another in character and bond as an adventuring party! Includes delightful encounters for scavenging racoons or other more sickly monsters like Food Refuse Golems and Ale Elementals!

Cleric Subclass: Festus Domain — A cleric that specializes in food and drink, using their Channel Divinity to create delicious healing drafts for their friends or use magic to produce sumptuous feasts. These clerics of food and drink can just as easily turn the stomachs of enemies when hit, or coat their weapons with poison or acid with their strikes!

3) The Upheaval and the Paladin's Oath of the Spelldrinker

Setting — The Upheaval was a war on all things magic, demonizing those that practiced it and pitting the nonmagical against the arcane. Originally led by a vicious band of zealous fanatics, it quickly spiraled out of control with the use of fear-mongering tactics and aggressive anti-mage propaganda. The Order of paladins that rose from it, the Spelldrinkers, were originally tasked with routing out and neutralizing such mages. However, in parts of the multiverse where this movement has ended but its Oath has survived, those that make the Oath are valued adventurers and partners of any arcane party.

Paladin Subclass: Oath of the Spelldrinker — A paladin who can use its Channel Divinity to counterspell or dispel magic, cause enemy casters to lose their concentration with their aura, and manipulate raw magic to enhance their spellcasting and lash out at foes.

Remember, each setting and subclass will be made at some point! It's up to you to decide which ones you're most excited for and should be made first!


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