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Hey heroes!

When I first started making item cards, they were for myself. What I had, at the time, were 3x5" index card sized plastic sleeves and storage containers. As a result, I made these cards at that size, and, well, never really thought to change it up.

But it's not good to never make changes out of complacency. The design of the existing cards is fine, albeit simple, and I suspect they'd probably be more accessible if they were in a different size. 

That's where I need your feedback. The above image is a display of the new, proposed design update for the Patreon-exclusive cards. It can either stay the same size, or change to become tarot-sized.


Do you want a new design? Do you want them to be tarot sized, like most other D&D cards?

OR, would you rather they stay the same? Do you not want to have differently sized or design cards now that you're already using the existing ones?

Here's the one caveat: there are far too many items at this point that I can't feasibly go back and revise and update them all. What I could do, however, is redo the ones from this just month and continue using new designs going forward.

If you wanna print these new ones out, too, I've attached them below. Give 'em a go!

Let me know what you think in the votes and in the comments below!



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