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Armor (any), uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)

This armor is covered by a tabard that bears a cross-like symbol with an arrow at its top. While attuned to the armor, its symbol changes to represent the mark of your deity. You can benefit from the armor, as described below, even if you aren't attuned to it.

While wearing this armor, you have advantage on Wisdom (Medicine) checks, and you can use a bonus action to speak the armor's command word and touch a dying creature to magically stabilize them.

While attuned to this armor and wearing it, you can use a bonus action to cast the spiritual weapon spell from it, using a spell attack bonus of +5 and spellcasting ability modifier of +2. This version of the spell causes the summoned weapon to take the form of a bow that shares your space and moves with you, as opposed to moving independently. The bow makes ranged spell attacks, instead of melee ones, with spectral arrows that have a range of 30 feet. Once the armor has been used to cast this spell, it can't cast it again until the next dawn. Additionally, when you stabilize a creature using this armor's command word, roll a d20. On a 20, the creature regains 1 hit point.

Curse. This armor is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell. While cursed, your legs magically change shape to become hooved and equine, unless they already are, and you take a –5 penalty to Dexterity (Stealth) checks. In addition, while cursed, the distance you can jump without a running start is halved.

Those that take the oath know the risks. They know the sacrifices they'll have to make. But they also, most importantly, know the good that will come of it: the true and just rewards. Making the decision to help and heal is the difficult choice—it's much easier to walk away. But when you try, really try, the good always triumphs.



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