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Hey heroes!

With the release of the Rocborne setting, now is the time to look forward and decide what new setting and subclass pair should come next. Each time a new setting is released in this way, you can expect to see another poll just like this.

Each poll includes three options. The runner-up of the previous poll will stay, while the other two options will be different. There are a total of 12 setting/subclass pairs, so if your favored option doesn't come up now, you can expect to see it later!

1) The floating city of Orostead and the Wizard School of Wand Lore

Setting — Orostead is a venetian, floating city at the center of a lake, moored to the tall wizards' tower and magical school at its center. The city is led by a charismatic monarchy with an established pegasus military force. In times of great need, the city's been known to mysteriously vanish from sight, only to reappear once the danger has vanquished.

Wizard Subclass: School of Wand Lore — Create wands to share with your allies, disassemble wands you find to learn their magic, conjure a special wand you can summon to you, and wield multiple wands without your hands!

2) The hellish city of Magmarath and the Barbarian's Path of the Infernal

Setting — The city of Magmarath in the lower planes lines the mouth of the unspeakably large Magmarath Caldera, a monolithic and hot volcano. This city is inhabited by both devils and fiends who have found a way to work together to find success despite their selfish and opposing ways of life.

Barbarian Subclass: Path of the Infernal — Invoke a hulking  powerful claw when you enter a rage that burns with a hellish fire. Add your Strength modifier to certain Charisma checks to show you mean business, and spread your hellish flame to your weaponry!

3) The artisans' city of Antronec and the Bard College of Mercantile

Setting — A city filled with Guilds for artisans of all kinds, such as chefs, blacksmiths, cartographers, and more. At the center of it all is the Merchants' guild, who operate as ambassadors between the guilds while handling some of the more unsavory aspects of doing business. Comes with unique tables on building adventures and hooks between multiple guilds as they struggle for power.

Bard Subclass: College of Mercantile — A bard that uses coins as a spell focus and using its charisma to close deals and make the most of their money. Can use a coin to influence other creatures, understand them across languages, spy on them, and make a powerful spell attack by hurtling it at targets from afar.

Remember, each setting and subclass will be made at some point! It's up to you to decide which ones you're most excited for and should be made first!


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