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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the 7 randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1) Green Knight's Vow — A pair of bracers shaped like tower shields that grant the wearer offensive and defensive powers, allowing them to encourage their allies to attack using their reactions or summon temporary barriers to provide them cover from ranged attacks.

2) Ricochet — A +1 dagger with a mirror finish that can magically dislodge itself from a target, worsening a wound, and fly towards a new creature within its thrown range or back to your open hand.

3) Phoenix Fireball — An alcoholic potion from a fermented phoenix feather that revives you to half your hit point maximum the next time you fall to 0 hit points, causing a mighty eruption of flames around you when it does.

4) Orelia's Tome of Beast Familiars — A bestiary that allows you to cast the find familiar spell from it using your spell slots. Using higher level spell slots allows you to summon various other beasts not normally allowed by the spell of increasing Challenge Ratings.

5) Bounder's Ball — A magical ball that can be attached to any weapon with the thrown property. When you throw it, a spectral dog chases after it, retrieving the weapon for you and leaving it at your feat. It has special bonuses if you're attuned to a companion's band.

6) Horn of the Wild Hunt — A warhorn made from spire tree wood and starmetal. The horn allows you cast the find steed spell to summon a War Elk: a stronger version of a normal Elk. Sounding the horn can summon a stampede of spectral elk, dealing damage to an area.

7) King Sting — A pike from a scorpion tail that deals additional poison damage to creatures hit by it. It can transform into a giant scorpion under your control, regaining any lost hit points when it reverts back to its weapon form.

Thank you to everyone who submitted item ideas and nominated one on the Discord this past week! See you next time!   


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