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Hey heroes! What a close vote! Whew!

Let's make something to do with Krakens! Thanks for the suggestions this week!

These are loose item ideas using on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Lamian Bracelet — A bracelet that increases you Charisma score and allows you to make a special melee spell attack against a creature. On a hit, the target makes Wisdom saving throws and all ability checks with disadvantage for 1 minute. 

Lamia's Intoxicating Polish — A bottle of rich green nail polish. While wearing the polish, if the target of a spell you cast is forced to make a Wisdom saving throw and is within 5 feet of you, that target makes the saving throw with disadvantage.

Lamian Facestealer Blade — A Lamia's intricate dagger. When you hit a humanoid with the weapon, you use a bonus action to cast the disguise self spell to take on the appearance of that creature. While you maintain its appearance, that creature has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and all ability checks.


Be sure to cast your votes! Let's make something exciting together!


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