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Hey heroes!

Let's make something from a Bulette! It was actually a tied race this week, so I was the tiebreaker. Since I already made one Basilisk item, I went with the Bulette this time. Remember that these are initial balances and writeups that are subject to change.

No stream tonight! It's Dani's birthday, so I'm spending the day with her this week. You should see this item on Reddit on Thursday this week, and next week here and everywhere else on Wednesday. As a result, this poll's end date is tomorrow morning, instead of tonight. See you next week! Stay safe out there!


Buletteplate — A chestplate made from the armored hide of a bulette. You gain a burrow speed equal to your walk speed while wearing it.

Sandsailor's Fishing Tackle — A fishing rod that lets you fish in a body of water from anywhere, dropping into the ground where you cast it as if it were water. If the rod is ripped from your hands or otherwise dropped, it might fall into the ground where it's being pulled into and lost to the earthy drink.

Bulette Torpedo — A javelin that burrows back to you once you throw it. Alternatively, you can plunge it into the ground to have it appear and strike an unsuspecting target within range, exploding from the ground and knocking creatures back as if it were a mighty bulette itself, dealing damage and forcing creatures to succeed on a Strength of Dexterity saving throw or being knocked prone before the javelin returns to your hand.


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